
The Board dedicates more than 3 million for the expansion works of the Marrubial ring road

The expansion works of the round of Marrubial in Cordova capital is one of the actions contemplated in the budgets of the Junta of Andalusia for 2024, which, in addition, provide for the bidding of the first phase of the North round and the termination of the Angosturas variantin Priego. These actions are part of the global investments in roads that the Junta de Andalucía plans for next year within the budget project approved this Tuesday by the government counciland They are budgeted at 30.1 million, which include maintenance and road safety actions.

These three projects do not appear with names and surnames in the investment annex, which is the one that allows you to see the money destined for the province, but the report of the Ministry of Development includes the programmed actions, among which they are reflected, although, without items concrete. The investment annex includes almost 382 million euros for investments in Córdoba and the province.

In its report, the Ministry of Development explains that the second phase of the remodeling of the Marrubial round is included in the initiatives financed within the framework of the shock plan for sustainable, safe and connected mobility in urban and metropolitan environments of the recovery plan , transformation and resilience. In this sense, the investment annex It collects 2.5 million for sustainable mobility, which includes the remodeling of this road plus 528,278 euros for a technical assistance contract.

With the expected intervention in the Marrubial round The project that the Board already carried out in 2018 will continue, when it conditioned the two lanes next to the wall and built a bike lane. Now, the Board is going to focus on the part closest to the homes and military pavilions, which will gain more space for pedestrians. The project for this work has been drafted for more than five years, although It has been updated and is already in bidding. Eleven companies have entered the contest. When the work is completed, the avenue will have four lanes for road traffic and a bicycle lane.

In relation to the cycle pathsthe Board contemplates in its accounts for 2024 a specific allocation for cycle paths of its network of 400,000 euros. The two most advanced projects are those that will link Córdoba with Medina Azahara and Villarrubia and the one that will go from Valchillón to Torrecilla.

First phase of the North round

The Board’s budgets include the tender for the first phase of the highway that will connect the Western ring road with Fuente de la Salud. This first phase of 600 meters runs between the Hipercor roundabouts and the shopping center. The saw and its project has already been drafted after several deadline extensions, so all that remains is its bidding and awarding.

For the second phase, which will go from the La Sierra shopping center roundabout to Fuente de la Salud, where it will link with the section inaugurated by the Córdoba City Council In 2021, there is no amount allocated, since the drafting of the project must first be put out to tender. It does not even appear in Fomento’s memory.

The works on the Angosturas bypass, in Priego, started last year and are more than 50% complete, will continue during 2024, a year in which their completion is expected. For this, the Board foresees money within the global budget allocated to the road network, since no specific figure appears in the document released this Tuesday.

Work carried out on the Angosturas variant, in Priego RAFA COBO

The accounts do not reveal, in a first analysis, whether another variant, the Westlocated in the capital, will have a symbolic item like this year’s, which was 100,000 euros as a gesture from the Board directed to the central governmenton which this project depends, to promote it, since it is an old aspiration of the city, which was paralyzed in 2008 and has made little progress since then.

This road, which will connect the Palma highway with the airport highway, is essential for the logistics parkwhich, on the other hand, appears in the regional accounts with only 15,000 euros. Board and Government have yet to sign an agreement to promote the missing Western variant section, since the first phase, the one that connects the A-4 and A-45 highways with the Airport road, has been in service since 2011.

Olivar Highway, under review

The Olivar Highwayof which there is only one section in service, the one that connects Lucena and Goat, is present in the Board’s accounts for 2024 within the section of the report on drafting projects and studies, so large financial amounts are not planned. Of this large-capacity work in Córdoba, the Cabra bypass section and the Lucena-Navas de Selpillar section are missing. Both are found in the construction project review and update phase. In that same section is the North round of Pozoblanco.

Throughout 2024, and as indicated by the Board in its budget, the rehabilitation works of the bridge of River Village.

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