
The Board repairs a slope on the A-3127 highway, from Castro del Río to Cañete de las Torres

The Junta of Andalusia has invested 100,000 euros in the works that are being carried out in the road A-3127, from Castro del Rio to Cañete de las Torres for the protection of a slope. It is about the construction of a breakwater wall, specifically, on the right side of kilometer point 11,200, an action that is carried out by the UTE Conservación Montoro (Aceínsa-Coralsur).

The delegate of Development, Territorial Articulation and Housing, Carmen Granados, has visited these works and explained that “after the settlements on the slope, large cracks due to landslides suffered in the road environment.” For this reason, the work is being carried out, which consists of “the construction of a breakwater wall to later seal the cracks and reinstall the bionda barrier existing structure that has been left low and collapsed as a result of the landslides.”

Granados has highlighted the “work of Andalusian government to detect any deficiency in the roads of autonomous ownership, restore functionality of the roads, thus guaranteeing the safety and comfort in driving.”

In this sense, the territorial delegate has referred to the “continuous maintenance work of the Andalusian roads that run through the province, guaranteeing equality between citizens when accessing safe communication routes, which structure the territory, and allow mobility between the different areas

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