
The Cabra City Council reinforces rental aid for young people with 100,000 euros

The Plenary of Town Hall of Goat has approved reinforce with 100,000 euros the municipal program help to rental housing for young, as the mayor announced days ago, Fernando Priegoas a proposal from the municipal government team.

This is an operation carried out through the approval of a credit supplement coming from the remnants Treasury, which will allow the aforementioned program to have a total of 220,300 euros and reach about a hundred applicants.

On the other hand, it was approved, with the abstention of Voxthe signature of agreement between the City Council and the Andalusian Women’s Institute for the financing and maintenance of the Municipal Information Center for Women and a second agreement, with the votes in favor of PP and Vox and the abstention of the PSOE and Uvega, that presented by emergency means and at the request of the Andalusian Health Service, the council will carry out a temporary free transfer for a period of four years of one Integrated Municipal Center area for the establishment of a specific query for attention in mental health directed exclusively to the child and youth population.

In the motions section, the two presented by Vox were supported, a first for reinforce security in the agricultural field during the olive harvest campaign period and another, related to the improvement of safety, equipment and maintenance in the children’s parks egabrenses.

The same occurred with those presented by Unidad Vecinal Egabrense (Uvega), one for the implementation of an action plan for the implementation of water charging points for agricultural use and another for access to the Summer School for students with special needs.

Likewise, a PSOE motion was approved for the implementation of a extraordinary employment plan and fiscal and labor measures for people who work in the agricultural fieldwhile, on the contrary, the one relating to the dignification of burials of famous people in the San José Municipal Cemetery.

Another of the matters approved and with the vote of all the groups was a credit supplement worth 100,068 euros due to the increase in the price of construction materials for the materialization of the projects included in the Program for the Promotion of Agricultural Employment (PFEA). A credit supplement which also includes an item of 3,606 euros to carry out works of improvement of water conduction drinking in the rural center of Low Orchards.

Also approved was the exclusion of the known as Espirilla Path of the Inventory of Public Roadsthe application of 0.5% increase of the remuneration of personnel serving the public sector provided for in the General State Budget of 2023, the proposed regulation of teleworking in the council and its autonomous entities, the appointment of representatives of the municipal corporation in collegiate bodies and the taking of knowledge of the constitution of the new Local Citizen Participation Council.

In the same session, in view of the commemoration of the International Day against Gender Violence, On November 25, it was approved with the I vote against Vox, the institutional statement presented by the municipal groups of PP, PSOE and Uvega and carried out jointly with the five women’s associations egabrenses and the Municipal Information Center for Women.

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