
The Córdoba Orchestra opens its season in a festive way

This Thursday and tomorrow Friday the Córdoba Orchestra will begin its fertilizer seasonor in Great theater with the help of the clarinetist Pablo Barragán and in a pedagogical collaboration with the Youth Orchestra of Cordovaunder the direction of the Valencian director Alvaro Albiach. This first concert of the season presents the masterpieces of two great composers of the 20th century: Dimitri Shostakovich and Carl Nielsen. Starting with the energetic Festive Overture, The climax of the night will be the iconic Symphony No. 5 by Shostakovich. Composed at a crucial historical moment, during Stalin’s totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union, this symphony captures the composer’s tensions and emotional struggles in that context.

‘Fall in love with the Classic’

In between, the bipolar Clarinet Concerto by Nielsen will walk through the most extreme moods that range from furious anger to the most moving sweetness. With the motto Fall in love with the Classic, The 2023/24 season of the Córdoba Orchestra begins with a magnificent response from the public, given that season ticket sales have increased by 4% compared to the previous season. In this sense, Juan Miguel Moreno Calderón, president of the Córdoba Orchestra Consortium, has expressed himself “satisfied with the growing interest aroused by the music symphonic and for the consolidation of the orchestra as the main artistic company in the city of Córdoba.

For his part, the manager of the orchestra, Daniel Broncano, explains that the sale of season tickets “has so far ensured a collection that is 15% higher than last season, with subscriber numbers that bring us closer to the pre-existing situation.” -pandemic». Season tickets can still be purchased until Friday, September 29, at the ticket office. Góngora Theater from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and online in the Web.

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