
The European Union agrees to host its data in the cloud of the American Oracle

The European Comission has reached an agreement to incorporate accommodation services into the cloud from the American technology giant Oracle among the offers available to public organizations in the European Union (EU).

The integration of Oracle’s infrastructure will last six years and has been agreed following a bidding process. As announced by the company in a releasethis will allow institutions to access advantages of the Cloud Computing such as “scalability, security, flexibility and reliable performance.”

Oracle has also detailed that its services will guarantee “strict data protection requirements.” privacy“, something essential, since it will involve sensitive data about the Member States of the EU and its citizens.

“Sovereign cloud”

In recent months, the American technology company has announced the deployment of its “sovereign cloud” in Europe, which will have its operations centers in Madrid and Germany. These services are designed for European clients operating in sectors with a strong regulationsuch as the public sector, but also banking or health.

“The sovereign cloud is another deployment option for clients who, due to their activity, need to comply with certain European regulations regarding the residence and sovereignty of their data, and in this sense, our cloud complies with legal regulations to the greatest extent possible.” high level,” he explained Albert Triolageneral director of Oracle Spain, after announcing last June the launch of its Spanish sovereign cloud.

Other companies in the sector, such as Amazon Web Servicesare also choosing to adapt to European requirements to continue expanding their customer base and market share on the continent.

European sovereignty?

Brussels has been insisting for years on the need to bet on “technological sovereignty” to differentiate itself from the models adopted by USA and China. The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyendefined that term as the “ability of the EU to make its own decisions, based on its values ​​and respecting its own rules.”

Although Oracle’s infrastructure adapts to the legislation of the community club, the choice of a US supplier instead of a European one has already aroused several criticisms. However, the Commission’s strategy It involves both promoting the national cloud sector and relying on the large American companies that dominate the sector (Microsoft AzureAmazon Web Services, Google Cloud and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure).

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