
The Honda Motorcyclist Safety Institute, a benchmark in Europe

Text: Alberto Zamora

He Honda Safety Institute offers, through a wide variety of courses aimed at different profiles, the possibility of learning to drive in the safest way possible, allowing, at the same time, users to have fun doing it. Thanks to the courses, motorcyclists will be able to discover motorcycle anticipation and control techniqueswith the aim of being able to fully and safely enjoy your experience behind the handlebars of the motorcycle.

Both the Institute and the courses are aimed at active motorcyclists: it is not a teaching center for drivers without previous experience. The objective is to perfect the use of the vehicle to achieve completely safe use of it.

Honda Driving School

The Honda Driving School is the origin of the later Honda Safety Institute. Founded in 1992 and thanks to its pioneering nature, the School has allowed the company to accumulate a large amount of knowledge and experience when training motorcyclists.

In this way we arrived at the current Honda Safety Institute; an international reference center located in the city of Barcelona, ​​whose objective is to promote the motorcycle safety and whose facilities are a model to follow in Europe.

In addition, participants in the different courses will enjoy the transfer of motorcycles and gasoline for free.

The models are equipped with all the necessary protectors to minimize any possible damage to the participant. Likewise, students are provided with all the necessary equipment (helmet, gloves, elbow pads, knee pads and an armor that protects the back, shoulders and chest) to carry out the activity.

Honda thus establishes its Institute as the first motorcyclist training center at the national level that has been awarded the European Training Quality Seal. This award was given to the higher level motorcycle driving course, thus recognizing one of the best programs in European territory in post-license training.

Honda Safety Institute

Located in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda and with the aim of being able to offer users the best possible experience, Honda has more than 20,000 m² of circuits and facilities designed exclusively for the training of motorcyclists. Both practical and theoretical classes are taught at the center, so the facilities have a 1,500 m² building with driving simulators, available to members of the different courses. The center also has a training workshop and a garage with more than 60 motorcycles available.

When focusing on practical sessions, users will be able to enjoy a multi-purpose paved track of 8,000 m²; a section aimed at carrying out braking exercises, with asphalts of different friction coefficients and an off-the-road area of ​​6000 m².

Thanks to its facilities, Honda has all the essential elements, both logistically and technologically, to promote the safe driving for motorcyclists all types. Relying on prevention techniques (audiovisual material, driving simulators) and safety techniques motorcycle control In different environments and circumstances, Honda offers its course customers the best possible experience when it comes to learning all the knowledge and skills necessary to enjoy using their vehicle in the safest way possible.

Training courses

Through its training courses, Honda demonstrates not only another branch of its business; It also, and even more importantly, demonstrates a social responsability; Hence, affordable prices for users have been maintained.

Under this global perspective within the profiles of motorcyclists, Honda offers a wide variety of courses to its clients: from basic introductory courses, aimed at drivers with less experience, to advanced level motorcycle courses, for those riders who are already at a more experienced level. encompassing the maximum possible terrainthere are even courses for 6-year-old children, for their first experience behind the handlebars of a motorcycle.

Thanks to a staff of professionals with great experienceAt the Honda Safety Institute, course clients will be able to perfect their knowledge and skills in different areas, whether from specific professional uses to motorcycle riding on open road, passing through scooter safety, to give some examples. The course offering aims to cover the maximum possible uses of the motorcycle, offering users the main resources and techniques to make driving as fun as it is safe.

In addition, participants in the different courses will have the free transfer of a gasoline motorcycle/scooter model. The models are equipped with all the necessary protectors to minimize any possible damage to the participant. Likewise, students are provided with all the necessary equipment (helmet, gloves, elbow pads, knee pads and an armor that protects the back, shoulders and chest) to carry out the activity.

At the Honda Safety Institute they have all the necessary elements to turn their clients’ driving into the safest and most fun experience imaginable.


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