
The Jewelry Park and the National Jewelry Reference Center, Friends of Prode 2023

One more year, Prode Foundation has presented the Friend of Prode recognition on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of People with Disabilities 2023. This year, there have been two recognitions that the Entity has granted; on the one hand, Jewelry Park of Cordova and, on the other hand, National Jewelry Reference Center From Cordoba.

The International Day of People with Disabilities is celebrated every year by Fundación Prode as a day of coexistence between users of the different centers and services of the Entity, families, professionals, volunteers and other people linked to the Organization. Within this celebration, the tribute to the Friend of Prode 2023 in it El Silo Theater of Pozoblanco.

This recognition has 23 years of experience and is aimed at people or entities that are characterized by their contribution and commitment to the purpose of Fundación Prode: “To accompany each person in the development of a meaningful life based on the search for happiness.” . He National Jewelry Reference Center has contributed decisively to the innovative training of people with intellectual disabilities in the field of jewelry, and the Jewelry Park has been an important ally in the generation of job opportunities for people with disabilities in different auxiliary activities and in the jewelry sector.

He president of Prode Foundation, Blas García, has highlighted that: “It is a pride for Fundación Prode to be accompanied by such emblematic institutions as the Jewelry Park and the National Jewelry Reference Center of Córdoba in the effort to fulfill our Purpose. Their sensitivity, professionalism and demands give us courage and strength to provide employment to many people with disabilities. May this alliance be very fruitful and lasting for the social good.”

The winners

For its part, Rafael Ruiz, president of the Jewelry Park of Córdoba, has expressed the great pride and responsibility that it means for them to obtain this recognition, demonstrating and raising awareness among other sectors of Córdoba society that it is possible to incorporate this group with disabilities into the labor market. Rafael has also added that in 2024 they would like to increase the level of collaboration by promoting 10% of their companies to cooperate with Fundación PRODE in job placement projects and increase this percentage year after year.

Mariano Romero, director of the National Jewelry Reference Center, has pointed out that, both for him and for the rest of the center’s staff, the mutual collaboration with the group is an immense honor, which in itself has been an award. He has also pointed out that, with this recognition, they receive the stimulus, the impulse and above all the responsibility to definitively overcome all the old schemes regarding intellectual disability, achieving job insertion as the ultimate goal.

The awards have been collected by Rafael Ruiz, president of the Jewelry Park of Córdoba, and Mariano Romero, director of the National Jewelry Reference Center, representing the centers awarded this recognition.

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