
the keys to the discount festival in e-commerce

Tradition (Anglo-Saxon) dictates that Black Friday he is followed by Cyber ​​Mondaydiscount day at the e-commercewhich this year is celebrated in Cordova on Monday November 28.

Like its brother ‘Black Friday’, this event It also emerged in the United States in 2005 with the objective of boost e-commerce sales and, although at the time the discounts were focused on online sales, currently There are many physical stores that also sign up for the promotions on this day.

What to buy on Cyber ​​Monday?

Due to its ‘cybernetic’ nature, star products of this day are the electronics and technologyalthough in recent years the clothing and beauty products.

Stores used to go for big promotions on Black Friday and left more modest promotions for Cyber ​​Monday, although currently both days of discounts go hand in hand and it is possible to find discounts from 20 to 50 percentIn addition to the attractive ‘flash offers’available only for a few hours.

The attractiveness of these promotions causes many to take advantage of these days to close your Christmas shopping at the click of a button.

How much will Cordobans spend on Cyber ​​Monday?

A study carried out by Webloyalty estimates that Spaniards They will spend an average of 162 euros on Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday, which represents an increase of 20% compared to last year’s campaign.

Cyber ​​Monday emerged to promote electronic commerce. CORDOVA

Electronic commerce maintains constant growth in Spain throughout the year, and will be more pronounced during the ‘Black Friday’ and ‘Cyber ​​Monday’ campaigns, to the point where sales through the ‘online’ channel will increase, reaching a order volume 45% higher than in the same period of the previous year, according to the company.

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