
The King appeals to the Constitution and understanding to face the legislature

To face a legislature that aims to be very complicated, the king appeals to the Constitution and equality. “A constitution that establishes freedom, equality, justice and political pluralism as values ​​on which our democratic coexistence is based,” he said. saying. Fourteen times he has named the Magna Carta, also as an example of understanding between different people, as in ’78. “The integration of different options and projects within our Constitution,” he points out. It is the framework that he asks to bequeath to young people, in parallel to the dynastic continuity that the Princess of Asturias represents next to him. And here he asks for responsibility to overcome divisions. “The magnitude of the challenges we face demands great responsibility from all of us,” he asked the congressmen. His speech has been applauded by the entire Chamber, with varying degrees of intensity, and with some exceptions, such as the PNV. Absent, the independence partners of the Government, as a gesture of non-recognition of the monarchy. And division also with the speech of the president of Congress herself. For her defense of the legitimacy of the Government but above all for demanding the approval in Congress of laws such as dependency. the minimum vital income or the euthanasia law, the mention of which has bothered the opposition.

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