
The Lucena City Council is considering its own space to house temporary workers

Another night, approximately one twenty temporary workersmostly Moroccanthey resisted the acute cold outdoors. Administrative obstacles Unforeseen events, sometimes when a definitive solution seemed to be on track, continue to slow down the provision of temporary accommodation. City Council and social groups They work, as a first option, with the opening of the Local Police booth located next to the old fairgrounds, attached to other departments of Red Cross and Civil protection. In this same municipal building, in the exterior arcades, some of these men attracted by the campaign of the collection of the olive.

Technicians and political leaders of the Social Services area and representatives of local associations will celebrate tomorrow, Wednesday the 29th, a new meeting with the aim of fine-tuning an urgent alternative. The facilities transferred to the Local Police, together with the primitive Municipal Booth, have begun to be adapted and, if this provisional option is realized, the Consistory would install, in a room, some seven berths.

The own local administration and these solidarity entities would agree on a protocol to identify users, during their daily attendance at the Basic Care Center, where they come to use the shower and laundry services, prove their real situation and extend, weekly or biweekly, their stay at the aforementioned location.

Reducing the optimism of the groups, the councilor of Social Services, Irene Aguilera, maintains a cautious speech and specifies that “there is no decision” and “no progress has been made.” However, he does admit that the grouping of booths given over to security and emergency services “is the most viable option.” He laments, with some frustration, that we often “find things that we have to save at the last minute,” alluding to bureaucratic obstacles.

He highlights the “full disposition” provided by the City Council, while adding that “it is not that easy, many times it is done and we encounter obstacles that have not even occurred to us.” The popular councilor prefers, for the moment, to omit any forecast of deadlines because, although she reiterates that “the idea is for it to be as soon as possible”, she acknowledges that “I don’t know when it will be.”

Positioning of the unions

In a more general reflection, Aguilera contributes that, “before” all farmers provided covered overnight stays to day laborers, “I don’t know why this issue has changed.”

Still, since Friends of the School Association, Antonio Moyanoreports that two of these passers-by “were going to start working this Tuesday” and their employers “have given them shelter.”

Faced with this unacceptable situation, the unions demand responsibility from employers and compliance with the regulations. By Workers Commissions, Agustín Jiménez, remember that, in its annex 1, the camp’s collective agreement establishes that “the employer has to provide accommodation for them.” In this sense, CCOO expresses its doubts about whether the contracts comply “with current legislation” or “the conditions of the agreement are not met.”

In any case, Jiménez states that “the image of seasonal workers sleeping on mattresses,” evident in Lucena“it is regrettable and inappropriate in a sector that is engine economic of the province” and connects it “with the terrible working conditions.”

From UGTmean that they “are unaware” of the existence of a “call” for work of olive harvesting, due to “the production shortage”. In this way, they point out that, if contingents were procured “officially”, the motivation would emerge to adapt “the necessary means.” Pedro Tellezof this union, warns that, currently, in the province of Cordova “There is no shelter that meets the conditions and requirements” reflected in Andalusian legislation. Finally, UGT advances that they will collect information to verify the emergence of “irregular labor” and demand that city councils provide decent conditions.

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