
The odyssey of the Judiciary

That administering and applying justice is becoming quite a road of the cross for the State is no exaggeration. And we are not realizing it because I believe that the Executive Branch distracts us too much when, in truth, it is a power that requires less attention because it is simpler; Whether this president or the other, whether I now vote for this and then the other… and little else. In short, the Executive Branch has too much prominence in our lives when the truth is that these “executives” (pun intended) are nothing heroic because their time in high-ranking politics serves them above all to live “after » of a damn mother and because «during» they are super paid. So no heroes at all. What’s more, when I see them talking about Equality and at the same time earning those big salaries, I laugh so as not to cry. But as I tell you, we are not addressing the tremendous problem we have with the disaster that the Judiciary is suffering. Years ago we believed that the use of the Internet and its platforms and databases would speed up the courts and that zero paper would be such a great time saver that there would be a before and after in Justice. What do you want me to tell you? I’ve been around the courts all over Spain for many years and I’ve never seen officials more fed up than now. And it’s not to mess with them but quite the opposite. But they are so overwhelmed that there is general bad feeling in the judicial offices. And after zero paper, the jams remain the same and the digitalization of the system has not streamlined anything and has dehumanized a lot. Then came the coronavirus and its confinement, which further paralyzed what had already been almost immobile for years. A real hecatomb. The virus is gone and the secretaries’ strikes are coming, which once again forced the suspension of as many oral hearings as during the pandemic. But then the judicial officials do the same and stop because seeing that there are elections around the corner, they decide to wait and see what happens to start with the new president. But what is clear is that officials are not going to be the fools in the movie watching how judges, prosecutors and secretaries raise their salaries and they, who are the backbone of justice, are left behind. We already have a new government and I assure you that from now on the mobilizations of the judicial officials will begin with the consequent damage to the justice of this country. And surely later, the lawyers will see that the agreement is not fulfilled and they will return to the fray. That is to say, the Judiciary could not be more reviled. And the cherry on top of the discredit is that now the Catalan politicians come and say that the ‘procés’ was totally arbitrary because the Judiciary is completely taken over by the Francoist forces and that is why the government wants to put order to the CGPJ so that the Transition definitively ends. being totally disruptive with its natural evolution. Let’s go with the stupid story that Franco is going to live longer than Methuselah and that the new generations have no political criteria beyond July 18, 1936. Stop now, the Judiciary is not an auction house but the true lung of the Spanish democracy. And people, always thinking about the Executive Branch, do not realize the coup d’état that the Judiciary is suffering, which is being reviled without parallel in all aspects and from all angles. How eager these scoundrels are to detract from a country like ours, the envy of the world and the target of tourism, but also an inexhaustible source of opportunists and resentful people!

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