
The Pablo de Olavide Municipalities Foundation awards four students from Córdoba

The Pablo de Olavide Municipalities Foundationbelonging to the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, delivered this Tuesday in Guarromán (Jaén) the awards for the best records of Baccalaureate of the localities that make up its board of trustees. These awards, which were awarded for the first time in 2005, recognize the effort and work of the students who is studying Baccalaureate with excellent academic performance.

The municipalities belonging to the foundation are those that make up the New Towns of Sierra Morena and Andalusia founded by Charles III at the end of century XVIIIamong them the people of Cordoba Palm Tree Fountain, La Carlota, San Sebastian de los Ballesteros and Source Carreterosplus those of Dos Hermanas, Seville capital and Baeza for their special link with the enlightened Peruvian, Pablo Antonio de Olavide y Jáuregui.

The gala took place at the Casa de la Illustration Municipal Auditorium, after the celebration in the assembly hall of the Guarromán de la City Council. board meeting.

The awards for the four Córdoba towns have this year a strong feminine accent, since there are four students who have won. Furthermore, with other points in common such as having completed the Baccalaureate in the Health Sciences branch and having 18 years. The prize consists of a financial aid of 600 euros.

For La Carlota the award-winning student is Angela Rojas Morenowho studied at IES New Populations getting a 10 average grade in High School. Currently, he is pursuing a degree in Agri-food and Forestry Engineering in the UCO. Ángela pointed out that she is “very grateful for the recognition and it is nice that they value our efforts.”

Ana Luque Castro She is the award-winning student of San Sebastián de los Ballesteros. She completed her Baccalaureate at IES Francisco de los Ríos Fernan Nunez, with a 9.76 average grade. This course studies Physiotherapy at the UCOalthough next year Medicine will begin. He confesses that “I didn’t know about these awards, but I think they are a good opportunity to reward our sacrifice.”

The student awarded by Fuente Palmera is María Crespo Osuna, of the core of La Peñalosa. reached a 9.95 average score in it IES Colonial. Study Nursing at the UCO and believes that “the awards are a great initiative to motivate young people to make an effort.”

Marta Ruiz Lopez Her name is the student awarded by Source Carreteros. He also studied Baccalaureate at the IES Colonial, obtaining a grade of 9.57. Marta studies Biology at UCO and he learned about these awards last year when they were held in Fuente Palmera. “The truth is that I didn’t expect it, but when I saw that it was the highest grade in my town I thought it was my turn.”

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