
The Plenary Session of Córdoba agrees on the annual financing of the Encinarejo ALS until 2027

The Plenary Session of Córdoba has authorized the extension of the agreement to finance the Local Autonomous Entity of Encinarejo de Cordova under similar conditions to those of the last four years but eliminating the item of participation in the taxes of the Junta de Andalucía (Patrica) that the ELA already receives directly. The plenary session, meeting today in an extraordinary session, has agreed to extend the current financing agreement between the Córdoba City Council and the ALS of Encinarejo de Córdoba for a maximum additional period of 4 years, starting January 1, 2024. Curiously, present in the plenary hall were the current mayor of Encinarejo, Francisco Franco (Vox); the former mayor and current Councilor for Infrastructure, Miguel Ruiz Madruga, and the PSOE councilor in the ELA José Antonio Arenas.

It is worth remembering that Local Autonomous Entities do not have the right to collect local taxes, nor to the participation of state budgets, but yes to participation in the budgets of the municipalities on which they depend. For this reason, the City Council of Córdoba has to annually record an economic allocation in its budget for Encinarejo with bases for calculating the participation that corresponds to the Local Autonomous Entity in municipal taxes, direct and indirect, as well as those it receives. the City Council as participation in State taxes (Complementary Fund for Financing and Tax Transfers). Likewise, it is considered necessary to include the proportional part that corresponds to Encinarejo for the collection of the telephone fee.

Debate on behalf of the Patrica

The PSOE spokesperson, Antonio Hurtado, asked that the point on the financing of Encinarejo be withdrawn, under penalty of the Court of Accounts ending up intervening, because the agreement proposed by the PP maintained the concession of a percentage of the Patrica that it receives. Córdoba for Encinarejo, despite the fact that since 2021 the ELAs already directly receive their corresponding part of the Andalusian taxes. Likewise, the PSOE councilor proposed to prevent Encinarejo from losing money by compensating that loss with a greater percentage of municipal taxes that would be allocated to ALS. Curiously, he has been the former mayor of Encinarejo, Miguel Ruiz Madruga, who has defended that it is not necessary to increase Encinarejo’s financing –“ALS is perfectly financed,” he said– as proposed by the PSOE and he has said that there will be no problem with the return of the Patrica because those items are withheld.

Finally, it has been agreed to correct the agreement to eliminate the part of the Andalusian taxes and maintain the amounts that were already allocated to Encinarejo, which has been supported by all municipal groups.

Municipal budget

In the annual budgets of the City Council of Córdoba, a credit for current transfers corresponding to its participation in them will be recorded in favor of the ELA of Encinarejo. The amount (initial forecast) that will be included in the 2024 budgets is 1,050,000 euros. During the following four years, this amount may vary depending on the estimated fees that are expected to be collected and those in which the ELA participates. On the other hand, the City Council will transfer to the Local Entity an additional amount of 50,000 euros as compensation for the services provided, as well as an amount of 30,428.80 euros for the competence regarding the granting of licenses for major works.

Likewiseor, the participation of the ALS of Encinarejo of state income will be determined by applying to the set of income received by the City Council for the concepts of the Complementary Financing Fund and transfers of State Taxes, a population coefficient (CP), which will be the result of dividing the legal population of the ELA with that of the entire municipality, and taking as a reference for each year the latest approved official figures. The coefficient, which will be reviewed annually, will be applied to the net collection of those income accrued in the year to which the liquidation refers.

Likewise, it is established participation in municipal taxes which will be carried out by applying, to the liquid collection of recognized rights corresponding to the year in question for municipal taxes in Córdoba, a determination factor, which will be the average between the population coefficient and the location factor, the latter being factor the quotient between the rights settled by municipal taxes corresponding to the territorial area of ​​Encinarejo and the rights settled by taxes in the entire municipal area of ​​Córdoba.

Cuesta del Reventón

On the other hand, the Plenary has approved a budget modification by granting a credit supplement in the amount of 38,855.18 euros, in order to carry out the project Edusi for the construction of a trail on the Cuesta del Reventón. To finance the cost of these works, which have already been completed, another Edusi project, the Sierra Morena Greenway, is cancelled.

The municipal group of the PSOE has been especially critical of this issue in which Córdoba City Council once again loses “due to lack of capacity” the European financing of a city project such as that of the Green Sierra Morena – Córdoba- Muriano Hill, that achieved the support of all the groups in the plenary session and that contemplated work from The Asomadilla, lookgood and the Palomera Iron Bridge to the Horse Race.

For her part, the Treasury delegate, Blanca Torrent, has regretted that the PSOE criticizes the management of European funds after the management that they themselves carried out during the mandate of Isabel Ambrosio, and has in turn criticized the central Government for the What they are doing now with the Next Generation.

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