
The Provincial Council joins the Fernán Núñez Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum on November 10 and 11

The Cordoba municipality of Fernan Nunez gets ready to host on November 10 and 11 the first edition of its Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum, initiative that has the support of the Provincial Council of Córdobathrough its Economic Development, Promotion and Employment Delegation, and with the collaboration of the local Business Association and Fundecor.

As expressed in a press conference by the person responsible for the area at the provincial institution, Felix Romero“this initiative is the result of the collaboration that we have been maintaining with the Fernán Núñez City Council, who now focuses on employment and entrepreneurship, thanks to an aid of 20,000 euros from this provincial institution.”

Romero has stressed “the importance of promoting the entrepreneurial seed in our municipalities as a way to ensure that the average incomes of the towns of the province increase and position us as leaders in the generation of employment and development.”

“There are a total of 21 companies who have confirmed their participation in this forum, with the commitment to put on the table around 150 job offers for people who decide to approach Fernán Nuñez during the days of celebration of this initiative,” Romero clarified.

The third vice president of the Provincial Council has also insisted on “the importance of decentralizing this type of proposals from the capital, involving the municipalities of the province and, therefore, their neighbors.”

For his part, the mayor of Fernán Núñez, Alfonso Alcaidehas expressed his gratitude to the provincial institution for its commitment to this event, which “will place our municipality at the center of employment and entrepreneurship in the province of Cordova for a few days”.

Alcaide explained that “our objective is none other than to improve the employability options of those people who wish to join the labor market.” “For this reason, we have planned a first day in which training, through workshops, will take center stage; and a second in which the participating companies will take the initiative,” he added.

Finally, the president of the Fernán Núñez Business Association, Francisco Aragonés, highlighted that “on Saturday, November 11, we will have the opportunity to learn about the experience of four businessmen who, at 30 years old, have achieved success. The Forum will conclude with the celebration of business networking”.

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