
The PSOE asks the Córdoba City Council for a protocol of actions to prevent damage due to storms

The socialist councilor in the Córdoba City Council Carmen Gonzalez has asked the local government of José María Bellido that elaborates a protocol of actions to prevent damage and repair the consequences of possible storms like the one that happened a week ago that can be repeated. “Next storms may come and we need a protocol to be regulated that allows us to activate all available human and material means to prevent damage in the event of a weather alert and subsequently systematize their repair in the shortest possible time,” the mayor said today. .

For the councillor, “the two days that Bellido needed to normalize the situation after the storm will become two months”, to which he added that “the serious damage caused in the city has revealed the lack of means available to the City Council of Cordova for situations like this, as well as the lack of response capacity of the local government to act.”

In this sense, González has reported that the municipal group of the PSOE has offered since the same Sunday that the storm hit the capital to support “whatever extraordinary actions were necessary and to provide whatever means were necessary, including the contingency fund of 1.6 million euros, to promptly and diligently address the immediate damage repair response.”

fatal victim

“We have also been interested in the possibility that municipal insurance could cover the necessary compensation, including the family of the deceased,” said Carmen González, who appreciated that “the reality is that they continue to be seen in all the neighborhoods of Córdoba trees and fallen branches that have not yet been removed.” “The most worrying thing is the state of trees that have not fallen, “but that they may be very damaged which could cause a risk of accidents, and for which an immediate review of the state of our urban trees is needed,” warned the mayor, who has demanded that “the removal of trees be also addressed, branches and dirt from all the neighborhoods alike, both the peripheral ones and those that are not the center from the city”.

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