
The territorial center of the University of Córdoba in Puente Genil will be a reality in 2024

Genil Bridge will become the third city in the province of Cordova which will house a university extension center, since the first step has been taken with the signing of the agreement what is going to be done City hall from Puente Genil, in short order of time, with University of Cordoba for the launch of a territorial development center. The University of Córdoba already has two similar centers in Lucena and Pozoblanco.

Mayor, Sergio Velascomade this announcement during conferences on entrepreneurship at IES Juan de la Cierva, where he revealed that this center is going to be oriented to technological development and will specialize in cybersecurityindustry 4.0 and the one known as «internet of things». Matters, he said, that “are very important in a modern society where we have a very great evolution in terms of sensorization.” «With this center, students will have many opportunities because specialized courses, workshops, collaborations with companies will be developed there, and it will serve as a engine intermediation so that university students can do internships in companies,” Velasco added. “This is a first step and then we will analyze another space,” she concluded.

For now, the agreement will entail an economic allocation starting in 2024 of 50,000 euros for three years. This slogan will allow the hiring an administrator, that will serve as energizerand a computer science teacher UCO, that will be located in the Mayor’s House of Culture Manuel Baena Jiménez where it will be available classroom and two offices.

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