
They debate in a conference on digitalization and agricultural sustainability in improving plant nutrition

With the aim of highlighting the importance of public-private collaboration as a means to transmit R&D to society developed, the Cathera of Digitization for Sustainable Agriculture UCO has celebrated some journeys that have had the presence of more than 80 attendeesfrom different provinces, who have been trained in innovative management methods to improve crop nutrition.

Currently, the application of new systems digital technologies and the development of new agricultural management, allow us to know the shortcomings that can present the crops due to soil conditions and prepare fertilization and biostimulation plans adapted, with which it is achieved optimize the use of inputs, improve vegetative state of the crops, their production, profitability and sustainability; hence the importance of the development of lines of investigation and innovation in this context and dissemination and meetings with the sector like this one.

The inauguration of the event, held at the Rabanales Campus, was attended by the Agriculture delegate of the Board, Francisco Acosta; the head of R&D at Sipcam-Iberia, Pablo Granell; the vice-rector of Innovation and Transfer of the UCO, Lourdes Arce; the deputy director of ETSIAM, Isabel Castillejo; and the director of the Chair, Jesus Gil Ribes.

The value of public-private collaboration

In this sense, Lourdes Arce valued the importance of public-private collaboration through the chairs as an instrument of transfer of knowledge to society and the possibility that these offer for improve productivity and crop profitability. Likewise, Pablo Granell highlighted the more than 15 years that his company has been collaborating with the UCO and how during this period the transfer of knowledge and the development of new products that improve plant nutrition have been favored. Finally, Francisco Acosta highlighted the importance of this type of collaborations and events for Córdoban agriculture and how The sector is benefiting in a very important way from the developments carried out in terms of sustainable, balanced and intelligent plant nutrition, fully aligned with the European sustainable development objectives.

The conference featured the presentation of success stories such as Cropbalance, a tool for the comprehensive management of crops from nutrition and balanced biostimulation; and presentations related to soil fertility in response to organic and inorganic fertilizers or with the improvement of crop production through the use of biostimulants. To close, a round table addressed the current situation and challenges of plant nutrition taking into account current developments and the needs of the sector.

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