
This will be the swearing in of Princess Leonor as heir to the throne

The Cortes celebrate today the oath session of Princess Leonor as heir to the Crowna solemn event with the highest institutional representation that will be followed by the imposition of the Charles III Necklace and a lunch at the Royal Palace to which more than a hundred people are invited.

The details of the development of these acts on the occasion of the 18th birthday of Leonor de Borbónwhich will take place in the Congress of Deputies and the Royal Palace, and will close with a private meeting at the El Pardo Palace, is as follows:

Solemn Session in Congress

– Arrival at Congress. At 11:00 a.m. the arrival of the kings is scheduled, along with Princess Leonor and the Infanta Sofiato the Carrera de San Jerónimo, where they will be forming the Mixed Honors Battalion and where they will be received by the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez.

– Entrance to the Palace. After receiving military honors, the kingaccompanied by the rest of the Royal Familywill enter, along with the rest of the entourage, the Congress, whose main entrance is decorated with the baldachin or gala canopy.

– Greetings and hymn. Once in the chamber, after greet the members of the Congress and Senate tableswill stand on the stage set up for the occasion, from where they will listen to the national anthem at the opening of the event.

– Speech by the president of the Congress. Later it will be the turn of the speech of the president of the lower house, Francina Armegolwhich will include the reference to the agreement of the Council of Ministers requesting the holding of the joint session of the chambers for the taking of the oath referred to in article 61 of the Constitution by the crown princess of the crown.

– Oath. At the end of his intervention, Armengol will ask deputies and senators to stand up and will ask the Princess of Asturias to take the oath in accordance with the Spanish Constitution, something she will do on the same copy of the Magna Carta in which her father took the oath in 1986.

– Medals of the Congress and Senate. The meeting will then be adjourned and The medals of both chambers will be imposed on the Congress deskafter which Princess Leonor will sign the book of honor.

– Parade and farewell. Greeting the guests and the paradewhich the Royal Family and the rest of the authorities will follow on the steps of the Palace, will close the first part of the events.

Imposition of the Collar of Charles III

– Arrival at the Royal Palace. Once in the Royal Palace, Don Felipe and Mrs. Letiziaaccompanied by their daughters, will go to the Hall of Carlos III, where the ceremony of imposition of the Collar of Charles III on the Princess of Asturias will be held, scheduled for 1:30 p.m.

– Speech by Pedro Sánchez. The President of the Government will speak a few wordsafter which the granting of the distinction will be read, which will be imposed by the king on Princess Leonor.

– Speeches by Leonor de Borbón and the king. The words of the eldest daughter of the kings will close this part of the actwhich will be followed, already in the Throne Room, at 2:00 p.m., by the greeting to the guests at lunch, where the king’s intervention is scheduled.

Family celebration at the Royal Palace of El Pardo

– Meeting in El Pardo. The birthday of the princess of Asturias will end with an event at the El Pardo Palace that will bring together the two families, both to that of Felipe VI and that of Queen Letizia. The celebration, which will be attended by Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofía, will mark the first meeting of the entire Borbón family in five years.

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