Summer is drawing to a close and facing the family and work routine againto studies or to daily chores can be a real challenge for many. The transition can be a little overwhelming since, to a greater or lesser extent, we have all enjoyed a well-deserved rest or enjoyed a few days that are different from usual.
To face this return in the best possible way it is necessary take care of ourselves both physically and mentally. Exercising, watching our diet, resting, setting priorities and cultivating a positive attitude are usually some of the most common recommendations for ensure our balance and well-being in this timeBut many doubts often arise: how exactly should we do it? How can we deal with the so-called ‘post-holiday depression’? Is it normal to feel apathy, fatigue or nervousness? How can we start or resume healthy sleeping, eating and exercise habits? How long does it take the body to adapt to the routine? And the mind? Can this routine bring us benefits?
What is post-vacation syndrome and how to deal with it
To answer all these questions, we have consulted various professionals from Quirónprevención such as Virginia Mª Parrado Suárez, psychologist in the Healthy Business area of Chiron prevention. “Post-vacation syndrome, also known as post-holiday depressionis a temporary state of emotional and physical discomfort that can appear after returning from a holiday period. Symptoms include fatigue, lack of energy, insomnia, irritability, sadness and difficulty concentrating”he explains. Normally it is something temporary and resolves in a few days or weeks.although, as Parrado warns, “In some cases, it can trigger a more prolonged state of stress or anxiety that may require professional attention.”.
To say goodbye to the holidays and face the return to work and everyday life in the best possible way, the Quirónprevención professional recommends, first of all, the acceptancethat is to say, “recognize that it is normal to feel some resistance at first and give yourself time to gradually readapt”. It may be helpful “return from vacation one or two days before going back to work” and “make a to-do list to feel more in control and less overwhelmed, always setting goals realistic goals”he points out. Other tips would be “Be flexible and adapt your routine to your circumstances and needs”, “balancing work and leisure” and “continue with self-care activities such as physical exercise, proper nutrition and rest”lists.
“Rest is essential to maintaining both mental and physical well-being. Adequate rest allows the body and mind to recover, improves mood, increases concentration and productivity, and reduces the risk of burnout and illness. Incorporating moments of rest into our daily routine, as well as ensuring quality sleepis essential to manage stress and maintain a healthy balance in life”says the psychologist.
Physical exercise and rest
On the importance of sport and how it can help us alleviate the symptoms of post-vacation syndrome, he talks Yago Lillo Martínez, physiotherapist at the Quirónprevención Health Center. As he points out “Physical exercise is an escape route for many people in their daily lives. It has been seen that it triggers the also known as happiness hormones, being a natural mechanism that influences our good mood”.
If, coinciding with the end of the holidays, we are going to start playing sports or we want to return to the level of previous months, the specialist emphasizes the importance of doing it progressivelyplanning “Time, intensity, dosage and objectives”. A gradual return, combined with good technical execution, It will minimize the risk of injury and help us to be consistent and progress.
To achieve this consistency and not throw in the towel after the first few weeks, Lillo also stresses the importance of choose a sport that motivates us and suits our tastes and physical abilities. Furthermore, like the psychologist Virginia Mª Parrado Suárez, Lillo highlights the key role of rest “since it favors metabolic processes such as the secretion of growth hormone and the generation of new cells that will intervene in tissue regeneration”he emphasizes.
The importance of nutrition
In the nutritional section, Alberto Oliveras, nutritionist at the Quirón Health Centerpreventionindicates that after the holidays “It’s time to “Organize the diet as a whole” to feel better and face the return to routine. “In summer it is normal to be a little more permissive and, when we return in September, it is advisable to be more rigorous with food and physical activity. We can see it as the balance of a business: as there are months that are going to be less productive, the rest of the year we must get the most out of it so that the ‘final accounts’ give us a positive result, in line with what we wanted to achieve.”he explains.
It is not about resorting to miracle diets or express plans but about follow a realistic eating plan that suits our tastes and schedules. “It is not advisable to start with something too restrictiveBecause that will make you give up before you can achieve your goals”he advises.
Saying goodbye to long sunny days, setting the alarm clock and getting up early, taking care of obligations, taking care of your diet, doing sports… Nobody says that leaving the holidays behind is easy, but as those interviewed point out, if we manage it well, Everyday life can even have benefits for our health and bodywell “It helps reduce uncertainty and stress, promoting a sense of control and order in our lives”says the psychologist from Quirónprevención.
To delve deeper into the topic and achieve a healthy and successful return to routine, you can read the following: full interviews.