
VOX CÓRDOBA BUDGET DEPUTATION | Vox announces the vote against the Budget for 2024 in the Provincial Council of Córdoba

The Budgets proposed by the team Government of People’s Party in the Provincial Council of Córdoba by 2024 will not have the support of the Provincial Group of Vox. This was announced this Tuesday by the deputy of the formation of Santiago Abascal, Yolanda Almagro, through a press release. The vote of the Vox deputy is essential for the PP to carry out its accounts.

“Continuous” budgets

Vox considers the 2024 Budgets proposed by the PP as “continuists”since “ideological” budget items are allocated that They do not represent any change for our province and? they do not break with left-wing policies in the provincial institution.” Furthermore, from Vox in the Provincial Council of CordovaAlmagro points out, “we already warned, regarding the company budgets, that very budget pockets were contemplated wide and diffuse, in which specific amounts destined for specific projects were not specified at any time. For this reason, among other reasons, it was irresponsible for us to support these budget pockets without guarantees, a dynamic that is also reflected in the General Budgets of the Provincial Council for 2024.”

“Full availability”

From the Vox Group in the Provincial Council of Córdoba, they claim to have shown from the beginning “full availability to work on responsible budgets, where all superfluous spending would be eliminated and that would break with the continuity policies implemented by the left in the Provincial Council of Córdoba, since we understand that they are unfavorable for the economic and social development of the province and it is the will of the people of Cordoba and this is how they reflected it at the polls in our towns.” Almagro concludes by recalling that “Vox continues to show its willingness to reach agreements and propose negotiations with the Government team of the Provincial Council of Córdoba. The PP will have to choose if they want to be a partner PSOE or to Vox, If so, you will have us on your side working for the people of Córdoba as we have explained from the beginning of the mandate. We have to move away from the continuity of the left and socialism and we are not going to support this mixed bag that they have presented to us in the budgets, quickly and running as usual, and that at no time corresponds to the budgets that Vox would prepare.

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