
Vox demands speed in all city projects and not only those of “special interest”

The spokesperson for Vox in it Córdoba City Council, Paula Badanellihas asked speed in all city projects and has charged against the instruction approved on Monday by the local government board and? affects projects of special interest from the city. “He says platitudes like that the areas have to coordinate, that the delegates have to be on top of the issues, and that the deadlines for administrative procedures are met. However, this is only contemplated for projects of special interest without defending an objective criterion in this regard,” the councilor denounced.

Badanelli has regretted that “The PP’s mouth fills when it talks about legal uncertainty that causes the situation that currently exists in Spain, but here they do the same: they approve this instruction so that some projects are processed in one way or another, without saying why or what the criteria are.

From Vox they insist that “as long as it represents an investment for the city any project must be a priority, “But this concept should be regulated in advance, because otherwise they will tell me what guarantee the projects in this city present without knowing if they are on German or regional highways.”

Projects that last forever

For Badanelli it is striking that “it is stated that the deadlines must be shortened, for example, of the procedures, this is because they know that it takes forever, or that the delegates have to be pending, when they should be without this instruction. And it is that in Cordova everything is eternal, We are in November 2023 and there are associations that help the most needy families in Córdoba, for example, and they have not yet received their subsidy. If this is not a priority project.”

Finally, Paula Badanelli, has regretted that “everything is streamlined for some and not for others” and has expressed her wish that some “criteria be established to eliminate legal uncertainty and therefore the projects that are presented know what to apply for now.” no”. “At Vox we ask for more agility for all projects that represent an investment and improvement for the city,” she concluded.

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