
Why will it be – Diario Córdoba

Yes, that’s it, because I’ve had a little music inside me for days that repeats that “Jalisco ramp, let the raspa say it.” And of course, I wonder: Why do I confuse ramp with rasp? Maybe it’s because I hear a lot more talk about going up or down a ramp, which nothing is exact, than about the justice that matters so much to me. Why is it that the large television audiences target heartfelt programs? Maybe it is because people lead a monotonous life without incentives, or because they are tired of hearing about corruption, politics, lies and more lies, or because there are no better television options and gossip can be an escape route. Why is it that we live at a mile an hour and stress eats us up? Maybe it’s because the many personal problems are compounded by the constant and threatening news: influenza A, flu B, mortality, VAT, electricity, wars, this and that that goes up, salaries that stagnate, the threatening layoffs… And why is it that taxes eat us up without regard to health, age, salary, etc.? And why is it that I believe more and better the lies that I tell myself, and believe less, much less!, the truths that others tell me? Maybe it’s because of what Larra said: “The heart of man needs to believe something, and he believes lies when he can’t find truths to believe.”

The truth is, and it pains me, that, by giant steps, we are going backwards in culture, in education and that we have locked our scale of moral, human and even divine values ​​and bad education is creeping in through the false door. , no respect, incorrect speaking and writing, violence, aggression, debauchery, corruption, ‘carpe diem’, no to beliefs, to family, to honesty, to kindness, etc. And of course, the mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart and that is how we call the good, honest, prudent, compliant and responsible fool a stupid fool. Why would it be? Maybe… I don’t know, I don’t know. Just in case I only watch pool competitions.

*Teacher and writer

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