
6 Ways to Get Rid of Sleepiness While Fasting, to Be Productive

Sleeping is an alternative activity compared to chatting while fasting. Apart from not reducing your reward, the energy you have can be stored well. But don’t sleep too often, because that can reduce your energy for other activities.

Even though you feel sleepy, it’s a good idea to understand how to get rid of sleepiness while fasting, so that it doesn’t get in the way of other activities, such as work, school, etc.

When you feel sleepy during the fasting month, the temptation to fall asleep is very high. However, when we fall asleep our work will automatically fall apart. This has the potential to make our superiors reprimand us.

So, to avoid this, Hipwee has summarized the right way to get rid of sleepiness while fasting. Curious? Come on, take a look together!

Tips for Eliminating Sleepiness While Fasting

1. Study religious knowledge

The extra time you have during the fasting month should be utilized optimally. For example, by evaluating yourself to become a better person than before.

It would be a shame, you know if you missed it because you only experience this blessed month only once a year. Come on, increase your self-evaluation so that your faith will increase.

2. Play social media

Have you ever seen someone on the street holding a cell phone and laughing to themselves? There’s nothing wrong with following this in the month of Ramadan. To get rid of sleepiness while fasting, a fairly effective way is to follow funny accounts.

Every time you see his post, you will laugh out loud. It’s not bad that you don’t feel sleepy or weak anymore because you look at the timeline of the funny accounts you follow. It’s not bad that you don’t get bored quickly and you have inspiration.

3. Watch a movie

Well, you can fill it up by watching films, as long as it’s not a mellow one that makes you even more sleepy. Usually, several offices reduce working hours in the month of Ramadan, so you have more time to relax. Likewise, if you are still in college because usually students are on semester holidays.

For this reason, it’s fine for those of you who want to watch films during the fasting month, but don’t do too mellow ones either. Because mellow films make those of you who previously didn’t have feelings (get excited) become like that. Moreover, watching films full of sad drama makes you even more sleepy, you know.

4. Wash your face to keep your face fresh

Drowsiness is difficult to deal with. So, don’t be surprised if you often yawn when doing activities. But frequent yawning also makes you uncomfortable with the people around you, you know.

Therefore, the next way to get rid of sleepiness while fasting is to wash your face. When your mouth is yawning and drowsiness is unbearable, immediately go to the bathroom and wash your face until it is fresh.

Especially if you clean your face with cleansing soap. Its benefits are not only to make your face moisturized but also to maintain good skin health.

5. Brush your teeth

You’re trying hard to hold back sleep, but you keep yawning. When this happens, usually your mouth will emit its aroma. Moreover, for dozens of hours, your mouth is dry because of the lack of fluid entering the body.

So that the people around you are far from disappointed, after every meal, breaking the fast, and before going to bed, you have to brush your teeth, OK? Apart from ensuring comfort for those around you, toothbrushes also help to maintain the health of your teeth, you know, during the fasting month.

6. Prepare the breaking menu

Waiting to break the fast always makes you impatient. Looking at the clock it feels even longer. Instead of getting annoyed with yourself and making the reward of fasting less, let’s try googling recipes for breaking the fast menu to mix the ingredients for the dish. We guarantee that time will run faster and won’t make you lose money.

These are some tips for dealing with drowsiness when fasting. Fighting drowsiness while fasting is difficult. That’s why you need to do these 6 things so you don’t always want to sleep.

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