
Hikvision presents its conclusions on the future of traffic in cities

The Today’s cities, increasingly densely populatedforce representatives of public administration to rethink how optimize new ‘smart’ solutions and technologies for efficient management of the entire urban ecosystem.

Security cameras are no longer simple observers but are the tool for change in our cities, which must adapt to the needs of what is to come, with more robotic roads or self-driving vehicles, for example. This change has been one of the challenges that have been discussed these days in ‘Greencities’ and ‘S-Moving’, reference events for the development of the territory at the national level and where Hikvision has presented technological solutions that now help prepare the future to improve efficiency in traffic control and facilitating the control of ZBEs through security cameras. Cameras that, on the one hand, explains Ángel Maestre, Sales Area Manager at Hikvision, “facilitate real time traffic management and the diversion of vehicles in case of any type of incident and on the other, with the same security system, which detects the unauthorized vehicle access to the ZBE, collaborating in the reduction of emissions and compliance with European regulations.”

Hardware and software technological solutions such as those proposed by Hikvision that help improve traffic control, Low Emission Zones (ZBE) and optimize the use of public spaces. The future, then, of city management involves a huge amount of data in real timethereby optimizing decision making and allowing better decisions and actions in security and emergencies.

Artificial Intelligence and ‘Deep Learning’ algorithms

The new traffic safety cameras are equipped with artificial intelligence and ‘deep learning’ algorithms, capabilities that will revolutionize the life of cities and their citizens. For example, “the camera can detect the license plate of a vehicle whose owner has been convicted with a restraining order. At that moment, it will send a signal to the Police and they can notify the victim,” explains Maestre.

The correct analysis of this data has a direct impact on the daily life of citizens, users of public transport or private. Now, the managers of these security systems, such as city councils, can react in real time by counting data from the users of each bus stop and, for example, “reinforce lines and act in the event of spontaneous incidents, such as a demonstration or a flood. New technologies allow them to make decisions that are not only more efficient, but also safer. They can analyze the effectiveness of the routes, alternative itineraries, roads that require more or less frequency of passage… and all of this results in the quality of life of the citizens,” says Maestre.

The most recent devices are capable of transmitting this information to citizens through variable information screens in cities or through applications directly to our mobile phones. As Maestre explains, “it is about managing metadata that flies to the data centers in the town halls, where they are processed in real time and cross-referenced, for example, with Google Maps and other software from public organizations with which they cooperate, such as the of the Local Police, which receives the Immediate notification of an accident or traffic jamwhich can be decisive, even, to save lives, for example.”

Cities that bring the future closer

There are already city councils in our country that, thanks to the analysis of the data obtained by these cameras, take a step towards the future.

Cases like that of Seville, in which Hikvision was a pioneer in Low Emission Control and led it to implement more than 100 access control and energy classification cameras in the Plan Centro ring to protect its historical part. Or that of Mijas (Málaga), in which educational radars were installed on school roads to protect the little ones and which were born as dissuasive initiatives, but have now allowed town councils to take measures to reduce speed with speed bumps or send to the Police in real time if necessary. “The cameras become the eyes of what the city council does not see to become aware”explains Maestre.

Or the case of Getafe, which, according to Maestre, has anticipated the future with the only camera system that complies with the European UNE regulations for monitor energy efficiencythe reading of license plates of motorcycles and motorbikes that were not previously legible on urban roads and coordinating the capacity control data of all its public buildings and other smart buildings on the same platform.

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