
Several combats in Syria leave more than 20 dead

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militiamen in Hasaka.

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militiamen in Hasaka.

Some clashes between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and local armed groups in Deir Ezzor (Syria) they have left at least 22 dead, among whom there is a woman, three members of the FDS and 18 militiamen. In addition, among the wounded there are four civilians, 26 militiamen and 21 SDF soldiers, as published by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

For their part, the FDS have assured that these militias are related to the Government of Syriawhich they began to attack the previous day in response to the launch of projectiles from the town of Al Mayadeen towards Dhiban.

The Observatory, based in London and informants in the Arab country, has indicated that these clashes They are common in the eastern area of ​​Deir Ezzor, near the Euphrates River, and have caused the displacement of the region’s population.

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