
Albert Espinosa: “I should have died when I was 15, so I try to enjoy and do different things so as not to get bored”

When I was a kid, Albert Espinosa He spent 10 years (from the age of 14) hospitalized due to cancer. So the architect of ‘Vermelles bracelets’ and ‘Fourth floor’ He was able to enjoy walking to school a little. From the desire to recover them was born ‘The way home’, the program in which the writer, director, scriptwriter and now presenter accompanies celebrities retracing the route they took when they were little from their school to their home. The sixth premieres this Tuesday, February 13 (10:30 p.m.) the second seasonwith new guests: Máximo Huerta, Alaska, Norma Duval, David Bustamante, Manuel Díaz El Cordobés and Roberto Leal.

“Last year it took a lot to convince people to come and this year it was the other way around, there have been many requests,” emphasizes Espinosa, who has had some of the busiest days: it comes from being nominated for the Goya as a scriptwriter for the film about Eugenio ‘Saben That’ and this week he releases a new book, ‘Love your chaos and the friction of living again.’

The new guests of ‘The Road Home’ have not even cared that all the protagonists of the first installment they will end up crying. “The same thing happened to us in this one,” advances the author of best-sellers such as ‘The yellow world‘ and ‘If you tell me come, I’ll leave everything… but tell me come’which recognizes that it is a “emotional terrorist” because his works always touch the most sensitive fiber.

This year, for example, the program incorporates as a novelty some recreations with children that simulate the guests when they were little. “I think that anyone you take to their old school, showing them the people from their past that we show them, will end up getting emotional,” explains Espinosa, who is also characterized by optimism that distill all their creations.

“I he should have died at 15 years old because they gave me a 3% chance of surviving because of the cancer. I have seen many friends die. So I think worrying and being sad makes little sense. Especially when you’ve seen death so close,” she reflects. “I try to enjoy myself a lot and do a lot of different things so I never get bored,” she adds.

“I have three books left”

At 50 years old, he is not on the wrong path. He has 14 books, he has directed films, he has written scripts for series, programs and plays, he has been an actor… “I have three books left to write and I won’t do any more. Now I really want to do television,” he confesses.

Máximo Huerta and Albert Espinosa, in ‘The Road Home’. ATRESMEDIA

has in mind present a ‘late night’ but, above all, record many more seasons of ‘The Road Home’, if given the chance. “I always thought that on that route people opened up and told you things that they didn’t explain to you at school, their desires, their desires…”, highlights Espinosa, who remembers that as a child he missed school so much that his classmates thought that his second last name was Absent. Because every time they called roll call and said his name, it was the word that always came up.

Now, thanks to the program, recovering those routes that he could not enjoy, in each edition he gives his guests a folder with photos of their idols. In yours you couldn’t miss images from films from the 80s like ‘Rainman’, because cinema fascinated him since he was little. Or photos of players from the Barçathe team in which he played in the youth teams as a goalkeeper until cancer cut short his sporting future and took away a leg, the lung and part of the liver.

“I take my leg off about 50 times”

In all the ‘The Road Home’ programs, in fact, we have seen how to remove the prosthetic leg at some point along the route he takes with the famous person on duty. “It’s the most natural thing. Every day I take it off about 50 times a day, for example, every time I sit down. People who wear glasses don’t wear them all the time. Well, it’s the same with my leg,” he says.

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