
ANDALUSIA TAUROMAQUIA AWARDS | The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UCO, special mention

Curro Romero, Morante de la Puebla, the Miura cattle ranch, the philosopher and writer Fernando Savater and the veterinary school of the University of Cordoba, have been recognized with the Andalusia Bullfighting Awards in its first edition, which were presented to them at a gala held in Seville.

The president of the Board, Juanma Morenowho presided over the delivery ceremony, highlighted the presence and importance of bullfighting as an expression of the “roots, culture and essence of Andalusia”, as well as its contribution, as the “vital sector” that it is, to the economy of the community thanks to the employment and wealth it generates.

Awards that are born as “a sign of the pride and commitment of the Andalusian government with the business world, the art and bullfighting culture,” as the president explained, and that seek to “recognize the excellence of those who, in one way or another, stand out in this immense cultural universe, and also promote social interest in a unique phenomenon that arouses passions.”

Along these lines, Moreno has recognized that the bullfighting, in addition to being an important economic vector, today constitutes “a living reality” that is growing accompanied by a “more than evident commitment on the part of the Andalusian Government with the sector.” “We have been with the livestock farms in the hardest moments of the pandemicwe are promoting bullfighting schools wave network of bullfighting municipalitiesand we have approved the draft of a new bullfighting regulation, the result of consensus and contributions from the entire sector,” he recalled.

The president of the Board presents the award to Curro Romero. CORDOVA

A growing importance that is being seen, among other areas, in the rise of popular bullfighting festivals, “fundamental to expanding the hobby,” according to the president. “Last year there were more celebrations than the previous one (682 compared to 665). A follow-up that also translates into the broadcasts of Canal Sur, which in the last five years has televised more than 130 celebrations, with an average 13% share,” he detailed.

During the presentation of the awards to the winners, the president highlighted the importance of each one of them and their contribution to the world of bullfighting. “Curro Romero is not a myth now, as an adult. He was already when he was young. I would say that he is from birth. It is no coincidence that he receives the award that bears the name of the inventor of modern bullfighting: Costillares,” the president praised, alluding to the ‘Pharaoh of Camas’.

Furthermore, Moreno has praised Morante of Puebla, ‘Puerta Grande Award’: “He stands out not only for his career as a right-hander; also as a promoter of the party. His work has added value: making things come alive and unforgettable.”

Along with those awarded to both figures of bullfighting, the president has given the ‘Veragua Award’ to the Miura cattle ranch: “This iron has gone far beyond a type of brave, noble and intelligent bull. My congratulations to those who continue this legend today, and my hope that it lasts for a long time.”

The philosopher Fernando Savater collects the award. CORDOVA

Bullfighting, at the university

On the other hand, the philosopher and writer have also been recognized Fernando Savater (‘Hemingway Award’) for his defense and his dissemination work on the bullfighting world, as well as the veterinary school of the University of Cordova (Special Jury Mention) for his Taurology chairwhich, as the president finally highlighted, “has made interest in bullfighting as an object of study and analysis take root in the university environment.”

Along with Moreno, the mayor of Seville, José Luis Sanz, was also present at this first edition of the Andalusia Bullfighting Awards; the president of the Parliament of Andalusia, Jesus Aguirre; the counselor of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification, Antonio Sanz; the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports, Arturo Bernal, among other authorities.

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