
Besteiro replies to the BNG leader: “I also see myself as president”

The socialist candidate for Xunta de GaliciaJosé Ramón Gómez Besteiro, replied this Monday that he thinks it is “good” that Ana Pontón had presented the guidelines of her government, but that he “also” sees himself as “president.” “It seems very good to me, I also see myself as president,” he said in statements to the media in Burela, where he had a meeting with health groups from A Mariña.

Besteiro hopes that after February 18 the mobilization will allow him to reach the Presidency of the Xunta. “And he addresses me to the Galicians so that they bet on this exciting project of the Socialist Party, especially for the teams of the PSOE and for the connection of the Socialist Party with the Government of Madrid”, he stated to point out that this will allow “to solve many of the problems” that exist in Galicia in the coming years.

Already at the programmatic level, the socialist candidate committed to increasing the number of health professionals with two keys: improving working conditions and encouraging positions that are difficult to fill. To do this, the first thing is to progressively recover the investment cut by the PP, which made Galicia the second autonomous community “with the least investment” in the entire State.

According to Besteiro, after fifteen years of Government popular, public health “is sick with Rueda’s policies” but, nevertheless, the socialists have “solutions.”

In this way, it reiterated its measures to reinforce home hospitalization resources and increase the volume of ambulances in the Galician network incorporated into the public system.

It will also prioritize mental health care by doubling the number of professionals in this area because the data from Galicia are “truly alarming”, since it is the second autonomous community with the highest suicide rate, with close to one case per day — 340 a year—and, furthermore, Galicians are the ones who consume the most psychotropic drugs.

Gómez Besteiro also traveled this Monday to the port of Celeiro where he boarded a seine boat to learn first-hand about their needs and pledged to “modernize” the fishing sector and “take advantage of every cent” of the funds received from the European Union.

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