
Copa del Rey 2024: Replacement sought for MVP Carter

Alfonso Reyes, Pau Gasol, Jorge Garbajosa, Pablo Prigioni, Rudy Fernández… There are many myths that have passed through the ACB and have had the honor of being the MVP of the Copa del Rey. He engraved his name on that luxurious sign last year Tyson Carter. The American shooting guard from Unicaja was chosen as the best player of the tournament held in February 2023 in Badalonabecoming the second composer player to win this award.

Sometimes fair, sometimes not, This trophy awards the best player of the tournament. Sometimes, because it is the most recent, the performance in the final has a lot of weight when it comes to voting. Furthermore, unless there is a surprise, it always ends up in the hands of a player from the team that wins the Cup. All of this came together for Tyson Carter to achieve a meritorious MVP last year, in the same way that he also achieved it with the green shirt Jorge Garbajosa in the edition of 2005 held at the Príncipe Felipe Pavilion in Zaragoza.

Tyson Carter, MVP of the Copa del Rey de Badalona 2024. ACB PHOTO

Tyson Carter performance

The composer guard went from less to more throughout the tournament. He did not shine too much in the victory against Barça in the quarterfinals, but from the semifinals onwards he began to emerge. Carter contributed 12 points in 18 minutes on the court in the semifinals against the real Madrid and in the final he became a capital man for Ibon Navarro’s team to win the title. The American had a spectacular final: 17 points – all in the second half – and +21 for Unicaja with him on the court. He also achieved 50% in triples (3/6) in the 24:51 minutes he was on the hardwood. Without a doubt, he was key to supporting the team and starting the comeback when the match became more complicated.

Thus, Tyson Carter joined a group of historic North American players who won the title and the MVP in the same edition: Mark Davis, John Pinone, Joe Arlauckas, Elmer Bennett and Cory Higgins. Almost nothing.

“Discreet” MVP

Without intending to detract from the great role that Carter had in the title achieved by the Unicaja a year ago, the truth is that Carter’s numbers to finish as MVP were discreet by what is usual. For example, his points average in the tournament (10.7) was the third lowest in history. There were only two MVPs with fewer points per game: Pablo Prigioni with Tau Cerámica in 2006 (6) and Juan Antonio Orenga with Estudiantes in 1991 (5.6).

Looking for new MVP

A new edition arrives and many of the stars of the Endesa League They will fight to win the award… and only one will get it. Players like Tavares Campazzo, Marcelinho Huertas, Shermadini, Hernangómez, Devin Robinson, Wily Hernangómez or Ethan Happ, among others, start as favorites due to their numbers so far in the ACB. Hopefully the award will once again fall into the hands of a Unicaja player, a sign that the Copa del Rey title remains at home.

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