
CÓRDOBA CITY COUNCIL | All municipal employees will have to be trained in gender perspective and equality

The local government meeting on Monday, February 5, will approve the third transversal gender plan Cordovawhich will be in force between 2024 and 2027. The plan is an instrument designed to address the challenges of equality that assumes the Córdoba City Council as an administration, and in which it intends to involve the rest of Córdoba society. Córdoba had its first transversal gender plan in 2005 and the second was approved in 2019. The third plan has, according to the Equality delegate, Marian Aguilarwith the Municipal Women’s Council for its preparation and will include an implementation phase and an evaluation phase to test compliance with the proposed measures.

This is possibly one of the best included in the document, since at the end of the previous one it was concluded that it was necessary to incorporate “a set of evaluation and results indicators that would better facilitate its monitoring.” In addition, a training program aimed at all municipal workers, in order to guarantee a higher degree of implementation of the designed measures. This program will have a special impact on employees who work in front of the public “for the identification of possible especially vulnerable victims of violence against women.”

The Equality delegate, Marián Aguilar, with the document of the third gender plan. CORDOVA

Four objectives

The transversal gender plan revolves around four strategic objectives to be achieved through 46 specific objectives, whose development will be carried out through 52 action measures. “We want Córdoba to advance as an egalitarian city,” said the PP delegate today in the presentation of a plan that reaffirms the declaration of Córdoba as a city free of violence against women, as a co-responsible city, a participatory city in equality and a committed city. in governance and municipal management with a gender perspective.

More concrete measures

Although the plan has an important theoretical component, it lands on 52 more concrete measures that include everything from the promotion of courses and formation activities for employees and in schools through the school program, advertising campaigns, awareness actions, reinforcement of existing aid, celebration of key days such as March 19, strengthening of play libraries and summer schools to contribute to family conciliation, adaptation of municipal spaces such as violet dots or spaces free of violence, as well as the development of prevention and action protocols in situations of violence against women in the nightlife, or the transfer of the gender approach to cultural planning or budgets.

The transversal plan also affects municipal companies and autonomous organizations and their workers (who are to be given training courses on the subject). Some of the measures land on these companies, such as one that calls for planning the public transportation network of Aucorsa from a gender perspective (improve schedules and frequency of passage), or in specific delegations such as Infrastructure to which it is recommended to reinforce the lighting in dark areas. “The objective is to raise awareness about various forms of discrimination against women, which highlights the need for a plan like this,” he defended. Marian Aguilar.

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