
CÓRDOBA CIVIL GUARD DRIVER | The Civil Guard discovers in a video on social networks a driver responsible for a road accident in Córdoba

The Civil Guard of the Traffic Subsector Cordova, has identified the driver of a car, like author of an infringement to the General Traffic Regulations, when making a change of direction to the left, without respecting the priority of passage of a motorcycle that was circulating in the opposite direction; causing it to fall on the road when having to brake suddenly.

According to a note from the Civil Guard, the investigation began on January 22, upon becoming aware of the dissemination through different social networks of a video that showed the circulation of a car. along the CO-3402 highway in the direction of the neighborhood of Santa María de Trassierrawhich carried outn turn to the left at the time when a motorcycle was traveling through the same point in the opposite direction, its driver having brake suddenly to avoid colliding with the car and causing him to fall on the road.

Complaint for the commission of an infraction

As a result of the efforts carried out by the Investigation Unit of the Civil Guard of the Traffic Subsector of Córdoba, they culminated in the identification of the car and the person who was driving, being reported through the corresponding administrative file for the commission of an infraction of the General Traffic Regulations.

The General direction of traffic warns in the note of “the danger of this type of maneuver, which if not carried out with due prudence and caution “can cause greater consequences, as they are roads open to traffic with a large influx of cyclists and motorcycles.”

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