
CÓRDOBA HOSPITALITY | Hostecor and Horeca join forces to “defend more effectively the rights of the hospitality industry in Córdoba and the province”

The Cordoba hospitality join forces in common under the same association. From now on, entities in the hospitality sector Hostecor and Horeca are united under the same motto: “defend the rights of the sector more effectively of the hospitality Cordova and its province”, as indicated by the president of the latter association, Miguel Angel Morales.

“We are working on the unificationwe have been at it for two months, and now is when we are going to give the coup de effect in an administrative and bureaucratic way, unify ourselves so as not to work separately and be more effective when it comes to working for the Córdoba hospitality industry,” stressed Morales, who assures that in recent years there has been a “blind turn” when both associations operate separately.

With this union it is expected to bring together to about 400 associates. Regarding the name, the association of Cordoban hoteliers will continue to be Hostecor, due to its recognized antiquity and its presidents and boards of directors who have passed through it. “We are working for the employers, for the hospitality industry; not for Hostecor or Horeca,” indicated the president of Hostecor, Jesus Warrior.

Guerrero has announced that the integration will last for a month “this does not come all at once”, and that both associations have already carried out joint work such as in the Córdoba Candle Table. “It was time to make it official because we believe that the province and Córdoba deserve it.” Furthermore, both presidents have emphasized the role of the province, as they claim to have “forgotten” it in recent years, so with this union “let’s go further“.

Candle holders on Morería street. VICTOR CASTRO

For its part, from Makro, its national marketing director, Chema Leónhas recognized that for the hospitality distributor “It has been very nice to be part of this unionwhich in the end benefits all the hoteliers of Córdoba.”

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