
Does crush exist? How is? Does it work the same in men and women?

He love It exists and it is easy for us to have felt it at some point. But does it have any medical explanation? What does the specialist think?

To find out we take Valentine’s Day to the neurologist, with the intention of knowing What goes through our heads when we fall in love.

Does the crush really exist?

“The crush is the time it takes our brain to release neurotransmitter molecules that generate the different emotional responses”, confirms the neurologist Pablo Eguía.

This scientifically proven that Human beings are capable of falling in love in the blink of an eye.

So much so that a person can fall in love in less than a second, specifically one fifth of a second.

  • The brain reacts

  • The heart races
  • Butterflies appear in the stomach

This is pointed out by the investigation that has been carried out in the Syracuse Universityin United States.

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This “Neuroimage of love”, which attributes the greatest potential of falling in love to our brain, determines that the reactions that occur during those initial moments of irrational love They can cause the same reactions in our body as cocaine consumption.

What is the crush like?

In the process they are involved twelve areas of the brain that when they start up they secrete a good handful of biochemical substances:

  • Dopamine

  • Oxytocin
  • Adrenaline, among others

And they are the ones that generate in lovers that initial excitement that ends up turning into love.

Well, that action of falling in love It does not exceed half a second. That is the time our brain needs to release the neurotransmitter molecules that generate different emotional responses.

This theory has been proven Thanks to neuroimaging techniques, which, as confirmed by Doctor Jesús Porta-Etessam:

  • “They have allowed us to get closer to the knowledge of many of the behaviors that characterize living beings. These investigations and many others have been possible thanks to the study of the activity of different brain areaswhich has allowed us to verify that “The functioning of the mind is not only limited to cognitive processes.”

The crush exists and lasts a fifth of a second Unsplash

The sex of the brain

When we talk about love, and science supports this argument, men and women have nothing to do with each other with each other.

That’s what it says Our brain about us and the way we fall in love.

Pablo Eguía does not explain this statement:

“The brains of men and women experience love differently:

  • While the men, when they fall in love, they seem to have a greater activity in the brain region associated with visual stimuli

  • In the Women activate more the areas associated with memory”.

A substantial difference which explains the way their bodies behave when they fall in love.

Love is a matter of the brain and it has a scientific basis.

What’s more, the discoveries associated with this research that have helped understand certain parts of the brain, “could have a better understanding of what happens in it.” When a patient suffers from love and they could use new therapies,” says the researcher and Doctor Helen Fisher of the Rutgersen University in New Jersey.

Love can be “seen” scientifically and is born in less than a second Photo by Andre Furtado:

Not all loves are the same

In the same way that research has been able to confirm the time and reactions that love produces in our body, Science is also capable of confirming that not all loves are equal.

And they are not because Our bodies do not react in the same way to couple love as they do to brotherly love or filial love.

Depending on the type of relationship we have with that other individual our brain will act in one way or another and will activate the area, of the twelve defined, that is necessary.

This is demonstrated by the research study carried out by the Dr. Fisher.

Neural activity is different depending on whether it is love, affection, sexual desireWhich also explains the different reactions and sensations we have depending on the stage of falling in love in which we find ourselves.

  • In passionate love the reward system is set in motion, located among the twelve areas of the brain
  • Instead, unconditional love like the one that occurs between a mother and a child It occurs in the middle of the brain.

In the end, yes, it is confirmed that What you feel for a mother is unique.

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