
EVICTION MOBILIZATION CÓRDOBA | Stop Evictions mobilizes against the eviction of two families from Córdoba

“I had to remove the intercom from my house because it was ringing and it gave me a panic attack,” Rosa says, between sobs, at the doors of the house. City of Justice. Close to one twenty peoplesome unknown, This Tuesday they covered her and her ex-husbandJuan Antonio, as family members have done for so many years, in a mobilization of the 15M Stop Evictions platform against him eviction of these two families.

Why are two homes that claim these Cordobans. Rosa and her son live in one of them. In another, her ex-husband’s parents. More than a protest – that also – The act was a gesture of encouragement. During the morning, they were scheduled to a trial that has finally been postponed due to the absence of one of the parties, according to what those affected themselves have told Diario CÓRDOBA.

In search of an agreement

In some way, it represents an extension for a situation in which they continue to be optimistic. “It doesn’t look bad, because the papers have not been delivered,” says Rosa, referring to the documentation related to some alleged payments they made to a banking entity with which they fell into debt and which granted them a remortgage that has plunged them into an economic drama for years.

Both acknowledge that they made the decision “badly advised”, but, as the platform has tried to reiterate, What is “at stake” is that “a vulture fund wants to kick elderly people out of their homes”. For this reason, 15M Stop Evictions assures that it will do everything possible to agree on an agreement that favors the right to housing of those affected in this process. For now, they wanted to make it clear that “the first movements are not acceptable.”

A truncated dream and an “overflowing” debt

The origin of the drama of these families goes back many years. As a couple, as they say, They set up a construction company with three partners. A dream that, at three years old, turned into a nightmare. “Life turned us upside down,” says Rosa, explaining that an associate stole from them. “He left us with one hand behind and one in front,” she laments. That, in number, were 240,000 euros of debt. An “overflowing” situation. That’s when they went to the bank.

With the credit requested, they moved forward. However, both They stood still and the brick crisis exploded. After losing the little financial aid they had left, they say, They had to turn to relatives and the solidarity of non-profit entities.

“You are not alone, you are not alone,” they shouted in unison the volunteers grouped in front of the City of Justice this Tuesday. Juan Antonio and Rosa have not been able to contain their tears. And, grateful, they hugged some of those present. His fight continues.

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