
Goya Awards | Farmers take their protests to the Goya gala

About 600 farmers and ranchers, According to the Government Delegation in Castilla y León, they gathered this afternoon at the gates of the Valladolid Fairwhere the 38th edition of the Goya Awardsto convey their demands with whistles, cowbells and some firecrackersbut without notable incidents.

The congregants, who They have mixed with the audience eager to see actors, actresses and other guests notables from the world of cinema (another 600 people), They have worn the emblematic yellow vestsidentifying the movement of independent farmers and ranchers, which has been mobilizing for more than a week in Castilla y León.

Tranquility has been the dominant note in the protest, once a tractor unit will be ruled outwhich had been announced in recent days, and the mobilization opted for a rally on foot at the Valladolid Fair to make their demands heard but without preventing the normal celebration of the gala.

Several people participate in a protest by ranchers and farmers next to the Valladolid Fair, where the Goya Awards are being held this Saturday. EFE

The protest has not been silent but has been enlivened with numerous whistles and the noise of cowbells, in addition toand boos that intensified as the vehicles passed that they arrived at the venue with the guests; they have also been chanted slogans against the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

The united field will never be defeated“is the slogan that has been repeated the most, along with others endorsed with signs that the protesters have carried, demanding solutions for the countryside, and that have been contained by a significant police deployment that is part of the special security operation designed for the Goya gala.

The “denigrated” and indebted countryside

“We are mobilizing peacefully,” said Carlos Duque, a farmer from Castroverde de Cerrato (Palencia).in statements to EFE, in which he regretted that “the field is denigrated“; it is the place where people go on weekends and that people only remember when the CAP subsidies, for diesel, come out. However, citizens have the countryside at home three times a day, to the farmer , the rancher, the horticulturist, and has demanded that they be valued, because “country people work from dawn to dusk; every day, days that it rains, that they are preparing the machinery in the warehouse, that they are harvesting, sowing or fertilizing.

Duque has insisted that “They have been producing below costs for two years, and thanks to the subsidies they survive and continue to get into debt”, but the group does not want subsidies, they want decent prices to be able to live from their work in the fields and “feed the world”.

For his part, JAvier Villanueva, from Medina del Campo (Valladolid), has insisted on reviewing the application of the 2030 Agendabecause farmers and ranchers have different restrictions than those of other countries, outside the EU, which sell here at lower priceswhich represents unfair competition.

Villanueva considers this type of mobilization necessary, also having been present at the Goya, because “nobody inside is going to complain for us”, but he has also recognized that they had no intention of causing problems for the film festival, so they have turned to organize through social networks but all with the same idea: peaceful protest.

We all have the same policy, be calm and just make noise“, he indicated, without tractor units or traffic problems on the roads, that this Saturday they have been very calm in Valladolid, except for some specific delays on the N-112 due to the presence of tractors.

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