
Humans vs AI in art

By Humans It is the project launched by Lucía Polinario and Martí Santiago whose objective is to detect in nine different fields, from literary creation to audiovisual productions passing through computer code or human resources, which are carried out by the Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is a project that has been launched in Cordova.

In a society where AI is beginning to play a prominent role in many areas such as human resources, literary or artistic creations are necessary «Let it be known what is made by people and what is not.», Polinario explained in an interview with EFE.

They are sectors interested in using the services that By Humans offers them because its objective is for “human beings to compete on equal terms with artificial intelligence,” highlighted Lucía Polinario, who has a degree in Law and Criminology, specialized in Regulatory Compliance and with experience in Industrial and Intellectual Property Law.

By Humans, or how to detect creations made with artificial intelligence. Rafa Alcaide / Efe


In the end, as explained to EFE Martí Santiago, it is about «to distinguish, to give additional value to the work what a person does” and has highlighted the fact that, currently, in illustrations “what is done with artificial intelligence is still very noticeable.”

Thus, in the images there is a difference, above all, in the hands and feet “where AI has not yet managed to be fine in the lines and in the definition.

From By Humans they seek to provide a “deserved” distinction to the work done by people, so that they can compete with the reduction in costs that would mean replacing its execution with that of an AI

The promoters of the project have assured that they seek to protect the work done by humans. In the event that it may result «difficult to distinguish if the creation has been carried out by a human or an AI“With our certification we want to protect and guarantee that the creation has been made by a human,” said Polinario.

The certification, in any case, does not seek to discredit Artificial Intelligence because “it can be a beneficial tool and complementary to human work in some sectors”, which is why they assure that they “greatly appreciate the work of developers who use computational creativity.”

“We want to make it clear that we do not reject AI,” the designers conclude.

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