
In a statement, Rodolfo Sancho accuses the mother of his son Daniel, Silvia Bronchalo, of threats and insults.

In recent days there has been news that has been circulating on various television sets and that has also been present on red carpets and other public events. The news in question was the lawsuit filed by Rodolfo Sancho’s former partner for alleged insults and humiliation. After visits by the defendant’s representative to television, the actor has decided to send an official statement to deny some claims.

Firstly, the BALFAGÓN & CHIPPIRRÁS Firm, as spokespersons and legal representatives of Rodolfo Sancho, recalled that the very serious accusations that have been made in recent days affect the honor and image of the actor and recalled that whose accusation must be “fully proven with irrefutable evidence.” They have also denied that the phrases “crazy, you don’t know anything, you are incapable, our son has traumas because of you, you are from the common people” were written by Rodolfo Sancho.

They wanted to clarify that at no time would Rodolfo use the adjective “you are from the common people” since it would go against his values ​​and origins. They have even communicated that “this legal representation will exercise all legal actions in defense of the rights of our client, as well as file the appropriate complaint with the Illustrious Bar Association of Madrid regarding the “prejudicial” accusations made by the lawyer Mrs. Carolina Castro Pérez”.

What no one expected is that the tables were turned and that they took advantage of the statement to say the following: “There is evidence, in the possession of our client Don Rodolfo Sancho Aguirre, that does reliably demonstrate serious threats and insults on the part of of Mrs. Silvia Bronchalo Santos, which are not only limited to her person, but are also extended to her lawyers and where she expressly threatens her partner, her daughter, a minor, and the professional career of our client.” They wanted to clarify that no measures have been taken because it was the actor himself who wanted to prevent all this from affecting the criminal procedure that continues in Thailand against his son Daniel.

To finish, they again sent a message to Silvia Bornchalo’s representative, who seems not to know that Rodolfo and Silvia never married, ending the statement with the following clarification: “They had an emotional relationship, the fruit of which was their son, “Daniel Sancho Bronchalo. We do not understand how this point is not known by said lawyer when she is the representative of Ms. Bronchalo.”

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