
Jorge Javier defends Carmen Borrego’s “salary” in ‘Survivors’: “She is earning what they pay her”

Jorge Javier Vazquez has spoken loud and clear about the participation of Carmen Borrego in ‘Survivors’. The daughter of Maria Teresa Campos has become the main protagonist of the reality show, since for better or worse, she is giving a lot to talk about at each of the galas. This Tuesday it once again monopolized part of the list of ‘Honduras Connection’ after being separated from the group on medical recommendation, which is why Terelu Campos came live to encourage him.

Although Carmen is receiving support from a large part of the viewers, she is also receiving a barrage of criticism. For this reason, Jorge Javier Vazquez He has come to his defense with a post on his blog. “Are you earning Carmen Borrego what do they pay you? For me if”states the reality show host emphatically.

“When you hire a profile like yours, you know what you are buying: a name as a banner for the first galas of the editionthose in which the general public has not had time to get attached to the contestants,” argues the one from Badalona.

Although he understands those who complain about the “excessive prominence” of the daughter of Maria Teresa Camposremember that “that’s why he took her”. “As a call effect,” argues Jorge Javier, who trusts that each of the contestants will fulfill their mission on the island: “Once the edition is launched We have begun to detect with great joy that there are many profiles that are going to generate very diverse plots. And we also have contestants who are going to give us great joy in the games.”

“Hence, Carmen, in my opinion, is perfectly fulfilling her mission”insists Jorge Javier, who also speaks out about the criticism of Borrego from certain media formats. Telecinco: “I also understand the shit you are getting on some network shows. They are part of the game and are part of your salary.”

“And I anticipate that when I arrive in Spain She will attack everyone and get tired of saying that no one has defended her and that she is misunderstood. It is also part of his DNA,” Jorge Javier concludes about his former partner from ‘Save me’.

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