The extraordinary meeting held by the Grouping of BrotherhoodsBrotherhoods and Bible Corporations of Genil Bridgewhich took place in the Theater Circo, has ratified the appointments of Juan Ropero Pachecoarchpriest of the town, as crier of the Easter of the year 2024, and María Jesús Chacón Chacón as an exemplary source.
The extraordinary assembly was chaired by the councilor of the Association of Brotherhoods, Jose Manuel Gordillo; President, Antonio Maizand the mayor of the municipality, Sergio Velasco. In addition to these leaders, last year’s manantero was present, Rafael Fernandezand the managers Fructuoso del Val and José Luis Fuentes.
The next Holy Week crier revealed at this event that the appointment has produced a “feeling of unworthiness, because I am not from Puente Genil. I am not asked to give a sermon, which I am not bad at, but to give a proclamation that makes me tremble, but I know that God helps me,” he has trusted about the task that is assigned to him.
On your part, María Jesús López Chacón, daughter of the manantera, outlined her life around the brotherhood of Nuestra Señora de Los Dolores. Her uncle Miguel proposed to her 43 years ago to be the virgin’s waitress and stated that “for her it is a Marian gift.” She also remembered that she helped open the brotherhood, among them, with the Primero de los Dolores. In addition, she commented that in her house “it is Lent all year round.”
Along the same lines, the waitress pointed out that “this appointment goes to all waitresses.” Furthermore, she remembered Rafael Chacón and Francisco Chacón. The virgin “wanted it to fall on me,” she said, also narrating the most intimate moments before the closeness of the image.