
Le Senne: “The national leadership told me to resist, I am glad that the blood did not reach the river”

He President of the Parliament, Gabriel Le Senneappeared this morning after winning the battle against the Vox rebels to give his opinion on what happened these last two weeks: “The national leadership told me that resist and that’s what I did, I’m glad that the blood didn’t reach the river.” Despite having reached an agreement between the parties, he recognizes that the Parliament “does not come out stronger” because his parliamentary group has given “a show that no one liked and for that reason I apologize to the citizens”.

Le Senne explains that the reports of the Parliament’s lawyers have been “important” to defuse the internal crisis because they have allowed an impasse: “This confirms that the decision not to cease immediately was correct, contrary to what some thought, the report was timely.”

“A big controversy”

Asked how he would explain what has happened these two weeks, Le Senne assures that there has been “a controversy big within the group, as happens in all parties and in companies”, but he confesses that in this case the severity has been maximum: “On this occasion it has been so big that it has come to light and has seen the light of this somewhat cumbersome way, but that’s it, it has been solved and let’s hope it doesn’t have any more consequences.”

Vox turncoat deputies leaving Parliament. B. RAMON

The president does not hold “any grudge” against his colleagues despite having tried to expel him without consulting him and does not clarify whether there will be changes in the regional leadership and in the parliamentary group: “I cannot speak for the rest, but I hope that we can all work with professionalismseriously, with rigor and for the benefit of citizens”.


Likewise, he refutes the national leadership, which blamed the media for this crisis: “I think that the expulsion letters were serious and that they deserved the impact they have had. I want to take the opportunity to thank them for their work during these two weeks.”

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