
Marta Rovira reveals that the PP also sought an agreement with ERC but they rejected it

This Monday, ERC demanded that Junts explain precisely all the contacts it has had with the PP to date: “Let everything be known,” asked the party’s spokesperson, Raquel Sans. The Republicans must have thought that they should lead by example and this Tuesday they decided to explain that Esquerra was also surveyed last summer by the popular parties to agree on the new Congress Board. This has been revealed by the general secretary of Esquerra, Marta Rovira. “We responded that we did not speak with the PP, thank you, but no,” she explained.

According to Rovira, it was the popular deputy Carlos Floriano who contacted the number two of the Republicans in the chamber, Teresa Jordà. “He proposed to us that we negotiatethat we should talk,” continued the republican leader, who concluded that Esquerra appreciated “the gesture” but considered that with the formation of Alberto Núñez Feijóo I couldn’t make any contact. “There is nothing to talk about with the PP“, it is finished.

The PP version

The PP confirms the contacts, but formulates some nuances. As Floriano himself explained to El Periódico, from the Prensa Ibérica group, he himself contacted Ester Capella – current Regional Minister and former ERC deputy in Congress – because he knew her and wanted her to give him Jordà’s phone number, to tell her about his “impression” about the results of the general elections of 23-J. These efforts, assures the now deputy and ex-high official of Mariano Rajoy’s leadership, were done “in a personal capacity“, on the sidelines of Genoa.

Rovira’s revelation this Tuesday comes days after sources from the PP leadership admitted to 16 journalists that in the fall, within the framework of the possible investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, They came to study the amnesty for 24 hourswho do not believe that it can be proven that Carles Puigdemont committed a crime of terrorism and would be willing to give a pardon with conditions to the former president.

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