
Matías Recalt, Goya for best new actor for ‘The Snow Society’

Matías Recalt (Maschwitz, Buenos Aires, 2001) has won the Goya for best new actor for his role in ‘The Snow Society’ Juan Antonio Bayona.

Recalt has prevailed Julio Hu Chen, nominated for ‘Chinas’; to Brianeitor by ‘CampeoneX’ now Dani Fernandez -La Dani- and Omar Bananaboth nominated for ‘I’m Loving You Madly’.

The Argentine actor gives life to Roberto Canessaone of the survivors of the 1972 plane crash in the Andes that Bayona narrates in the film and one of those who undertook the 10-day journey across the mountain range to try to find help.

Like the rest of the actors in the film, Recalt spent a very tough casting process -seven months in the middle of the pandemic-, rehearsals and filming, not only because of the weight loss but also because of the difficulty of putting oneself in the minds of those characters in an extreme situation.

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