
nutrition, physical condition and emotional well-being

These days, half of Spain looks at the sky, scrutinizes the clouds, consults the weather forecasts… The Easter holidays, that first long-awaited and massive break of the year, fill the beaches with bodies in the sun. We are now entering that time of year when efforts multiply to get the body ready to say goodbye to warm clothes. As punctually as tourists go to the beach, dubious information and confusing messages about miracle diets and express bikini operations usually arrive. Therefore, this year we want to give a twist to this concept of fine-tuning and take it one step further: taking care of ourselves to be well on the outside, yes, but also on the inside.

This is an excellent time to become aware of the importance of self-care and everything that is in our hands to prevent diseases, look good and feel better. With this objective we have consulted three specialists from Quirónprevención to compile the keys to good health prevention.

1. Healthy eating

We live in the country of olive oil, fresh fish and garden products of all colors… We have the inherited idea that, by culture, we follow the Mediterranean diet and, therefore, a varied and healthy diet with predominance of fresh products. The reality, however, is very different. A study published in ScienceDirect showed that we Spaniards eat three times more meat, dairy products and sugar than recommended and fewer fruits, vegetables and cereals than would be desirable.

These habits, increasingly distant from the Mediterranean diet, have a real impact on our health. What diseases does it bring with it? “Many, not only directly but also indirectly. Cardiovascular problems, poor sugar regulation, overweight even obesity, which is tremendously detrimental to the development of a healthy life”assures Alberto Oliveras, nutritionist of the new Health Center that Chironprevention has recently opened in Madrid, specialized in rehabilitation and training in injury prevention, and aimed at both the general public and athletes of all levels.

2. Physical care

According to the latest Eurobarometer on Sports and Physical Activity, 47% of Spaniards over 15 years of age never do sports. 45% acknowledge that they do not even do physical activities such as dancing, walking or cycling, or gardening.

Fighting this sedentary lifestyle is one of the basic axes of not only physical, but also mental health. And, once we have convinced ourselves of the need to get our body moving, whatever our age, it is key to do it in the optimal way. That is, doing our part to prevent possible injuries.

In general, we usually go to the “physio” when there is already an injury and we are looking for a solution. However, the key to good health lies in avoiding them and physical therapy can also help us. And we are not just talking about people who do sports in a demanding manner, because, as stated by Víctor Manuel García Fonseca, physiotherapist at the Health Center Quirónprevención, preventive physiotherapy “It is recommended for the entire population since at any stage of our life we ​​can improve and prevent injuries and illnesses. “Preventive physiotherapy consists of implementing physical care habits to optimize our health and delay the appearance of diseases.”. Depending on our age and the physical activity of our daily life, but to avoid injuries, it will include stretching and strengthening exercises, postural education, work on proprioception and joint stability… Establishing therapeutic exercise programs in the daily routine of each person adapted to their characteristics.

3. Mental well-being

Spain is the country in the world where concern about mental health has grown the most in the last three years, according to the ‘Global Health Service Monitor 2023’ study, prepared by Ipsos in 31 countries. This research has also shown that almost a third of Spanish workers have had to be absent from work due to stress and anxiety. “The problems that continue to prevail in the population in general are anxiety and depression, issues that have been present for decades. Nowadays, there are many people who present these symptoms as a consequence of the social and personal demands to which we are subjected (to work and do it well, to be good parents or siblings, to be happy, to fulfill what we want to be and what they want. the rest of us, …)”says Paula Orúe, psychologist on the Quirónprevención Healthy Company team.

The good news is that mental health is no longer seen as taboo and, increasingly, we conceive our well-being as a whole that includes the physical and psychological aspects. They are so united that two of the basic pillars on which psychological well-being is based are healthy eating and regular physical exercise.

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