
Review of ‘Madame Web’: Premonitions of a superheroine

Dakota Johnson in ‘Madame Web’

Precognitive and clairvoyant mutant. This is how Madame Web is defined, a secondary, not very relevant character from the Marvel superhero team. She debuted in the late 1980s in a Spider-Man comic and she has never had an entity or collection of her own. She doesn’t belong in the cinematographic universe either. Marvel. It is a bet by Columbia-Sony, the production company that has the rights to Spider-Man. In times of crisis of ideas, any ‘Marvelian’ character, no matter how small, is worth a movie.

If we except its final passages and a few important script holes, ‘Madame Web’ does not work badly. Dakota Johnson gives prominence to his character and has a certain interest in the plot that confronts him with the murderer of his mother, a greedy guy who kept the spider from the Peruvian Amazon that grants powers, while at the same time protecting three teenagers who in the future will become in spider-women. What power does Madame Web enjoy? When she still doesn’t know about that power, she has premonitions. A psychic superhero. When you start to control it you can use the vast (spider) web that connects civilizations and eras to be in more than one place at the same time. Compared to other Marvel productions, it is almost an (expensive) B series. And in its absence of pretensions lies its possible charm.

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