
She died in Cádiz and was buried in Valencia. How did her husband kill her?

The police found the body of Yana Rosea 40-year-old American woman, buried at one meter deep in an old farm very close to the Hospital de La Ribera, in Alzira (Valencia)on January 21, 2022. A few weeks before, the woman had arrived in Spain as the last stop on a pleasure trip she was taking with her husband, Michael Martin Hoseyni, workshop owner of cars in Denver (United States).

Two years after discovering his body, forensics they cannot find out the cause of death, as he has learned OPEN CASEresearch and events channel of Prensa Ibérica.

In a Spanish prison

Yana’s husband, Michael Hoseyni, was arrested for homicide a week after the discovery of his wife’s body. The man voluntarily traveled from the United States, where he had returned after allegedly committing the crime and burying his wife’s body. Since then He is in Algeciras prison. And there it will continue. On Thursday, January 25, the Violence against Women court number 1 of Algeciras issued an order extending her preventive detention for two more years, pending the conclusion of the investigations.

The meticulous investigation by the National Police, in which the Valencia Homicide Group, the Algeciras Group and the Central Missing Persons Unit have participated, has made it possible to reconstruct the traces in Spain of Hoseyni and his wife. After passing through Croatia, Italy and France, Both arrived at a luxury development in Sotogrande (Cádiz) to spend a few days of Christmas 2021.

She then planned to travel to Valencia to meet with some russian friends those he had met on the Internet. It was one of those women who reported her disappearance. From the United States, Yana’s mother also raised the alarm; first, obviously, to her daughter’s husband.

An argument and goodbye

Hoseyni then maintained that he had argued with his wife and that she had left the Cádiz apartment freely. That he had not heard from her again. The police recovered the whatsapp messages that he sent to the relatives of the missing woman in which he gave them pause and downplayed her absence.

The police also recovered some images that were recorded by a security camera near the apartment they had rented in the Cádiz urbanization. In them you can see Hoseyni dragging the body by the ankles of his wife and putting it in the trunk of his car around ten at night on December 26. Shortly after, the man left Cádiz and no longer used the apartment, which he had reserved for another day.

Yana’s husband traveled more than a thousand kilometers with his wife’s body in the trunk, from Cádiz to Tarragona. For unknown reasons, he turned around and returned to Valencia, where he buried her.

According to investigations, Hoseyni traveled more than a thousand kilometers with his wife’s body in the trunk and came to Tarragona. For unknown reasons, he then decided to return to the south of Spain. On that return trip he reached Alzira (Valencia), where he stayed in another hotel on the night of December 26 to 27.

Tracking the route of the rental car, which had a geolocator, indicates that the man He came that day four times to a mountain area behind the La Ribera hospital. The police located and recovered the body of Yana Rose buried very close to there, at the door of an abandoned palace on the road to Torretxó.

Investigators later recovered another recording from a hardware store camera in which Hoseyni is seen buying two shovels, an axe, some gloves and a cutter.

Yana Rose died in an apartment in Sotogrande (Cádiz), during Christmas 2021. OPEN CASE

After leaving the body buried, the man He continued his route and left Spain towards Milan, in Italy. There he left his rental car, a BMW, and on January 11, 2022 he took a plane back to the United States, where he learned of the discovery of his wife’s body and that he was being wanted by the Spanish police. In the car, the Scientific Police analyzes found traces of DNA and sand similar to that of the Alzira land where he buried the body of his wife.

Bad treatments

The FBI collaborated with the Spanish police. He reported that the man had been involved an episode of abuse against his wife in the past. The first forensic report on Yana Rose’s body revealed that she had a strong blow to the head. After being arrested, the judge ordered Hoseyni to go to prison.

But two years later, the specific cause of Yana Rose’s death has not been determined. The forensic experts who examined her body ruled out that blow to her head as the cause, which was postmortem, possibly caused when the body was taken out of her apartment and put in the trunk. Investigators reconstructed the scene using a policewoman as a victim and they also concluded that the blow could have occurred when she was taken out of the apartment, already dead.

What didn’t happen

The experts have not reached any conclusion about how the woman died, there is no cause of death, it has not even been stated that it was a death of “homicidal etiology.” We only know what did not happen. Yana she was not suffocated, nor does he have any weapon wounds of any kind. Toxicological analyzes have revealed that She wasn’t poisoned either.. There is no trace of poison in his body. The forensics did find several bruises on the skin of the woman that could be “compatible” with wounds caused by another person, but none were fatal and the histopathological analyzes could not certify it either. Investigators have even considered that Yana Rose could have died from asphyxiation during a risky erotic practice.

From his prison cell in southern Spain, Michael Hoseyni remains silent. He knows that in his state, Colorado, he was facing the threat of a life imprisonment. In Spain it couldn’t be worse. Maybe that’s why, when he had already managed to flee and return to his country, he took a plane back, crossed the ocean and turned himself in in Madrid.

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