
Sira Rego, on the digital environment: “Alternatives must be offered; boys and girls must have more spaces in cities”

He Covenant of State to protect minors on the Internet and social networks prepared by the Government is based on three axes: a law comprehensive for the protection of minors on the interneta strategy supported by a group of 50 experts and the advancement in technological solutions so that they cannot enter adult content. However, no matter how “very good it is,” the Minister of Youth and Children, Sira Rego, has launched “a call for attention regarding the other alternatives“.

In addition to agreeing and agreeing on all these measures, the minister has assured that other alternatives must be “offered”: “The boys and girls They must have more spaces in cities, have squares… They must exercise their right to be, to interact and to have leisure and a complete life alternative that makes the digital environment an option, but also having other life options. “It is a complete and complex balance that challenges us all.”

This was pointed out during his speech on the presentation day of the Declaration to protect children and adolescents in the digital spherel, which was held this Tuesday in Congress, and where it requested the involvement of families, social organizations, schools and institutions in the protection of minors. “Let us not be afraid to talk about the limits and confront them with the demand that the rights of children and the opportunities that the digital environment gives us be guaranteed if it is safe.“, claimed Rego, who recognized that this debate “opens up many elements that are contradictory.”

Collection of requests

Rego has collected the proposals of the organizations that have proposed a State pact in defense of the rights of minors in the digital sphere. Among them were the European Association for the Digital Transition, Dale una Vuelta, ANAR Foundation, iCMedia, Save The Children and UNICEF Spain.

Among the key measures proposed for the State Pact, which are supported by more than 140 entities from various fields and which go beyond the porn debate, is training for teachers in media education from a reflective and critical perspective, with didactic approaches to encourage critical thinking in students; facilitating the development of skills and safe spaces on the Internet to promote the social and civic participation of children and adolescents; wave implementation of detection, prevention and action plans from the family and educational sphere to provide tools to adolescents and their educators.

They also call for the establishment of a Accountability framework for responsible managers of video sharing platforms and content distributors who fail to comply with the obligation to verify age, as well as the protection of the health and well-being of children. With this they seek to prevent health risks and threats to physical and psychological well-being during the use of digital technologies, and promote digital health education programs based on scientific evidence, among other prevention and help measures.

Limiting access to porn

The president of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), Sea Spainhe recalled that for this they are finalizing aapplication, developed by the National Currency and Stamp Factory (FNMV), which will prevent minors from accessing inappropriate content respecting the privacy of all users.

“93% of families are in favor of prohibiting or limiting minors’ access to porn and other types of content for which minors are not prepared and that have inadequate impacts not only on physical and mental health, but also on the loss of equality and the way we relate to each other,” he added. “We fill our mouths calling to this generation digital natives, but We have to be clear that when we talk about digital natives we are talking about people who know how to use a digital toolbut not the content it entails,” warned the prosecutor assigned to the Juvenile Court Prosecutor of the State Attorney General’s Office, Rosa María Henar Hernando.

In this sense, the prosecutor has highlighted that minors feel empowerment in the digital world derived from false anonymity on social networks, where crimes that previously occurred in physical space take place. “Now they occur in the virtual space because it is much more comfortable. The damage against the victim is increasing“, he assured.

The minister has already stated that all these entities will be part of the work carried out by the group of experts created by her ministry to make the virtual space increasingly safer for children and adolescents.

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