
SOLAR MEGAPARK: Construction of the largest photovoltaic park in the world begins: 3,500 hectares

The world will only avoid climate disaster through accelerated expansion of renewable energy, and the big countries are in it. In fact, every so often records are broken for installed power and also for the size of photovoltaic and wind farms. Now the imminent construction of what will be “the largest solar project in the world”, in the Philippine Islands.

Earthworks have already begun on the island of Luzon to create a mega photovoltaic park that is due to be ready within two years and will include 5 million solar panels. Terra Solar, as the installation will be called, has a design to 3,400-3,500 MW of solar panels and 4,000 Mwh of battery storageas reported by various American media, cited by the portal Xataka.

Apparently, the investment will be around 3.3 billion euros and, together, the complex could generate more than 5 billion kilowatt hours per yeartruly exceptional figures that give an idea of ​​the magnitude of the work.

The plant will be located in Central Luzon SPENEC

The company behind all this is the Solar Philippines New Energy Corporation (SPNEC)which with its project will cover a good part of the country’s energy demand at once: un 5% of the total volume of its electrical network and 12% of the demand. This park will surpass in size and power the largest ones that currently exist in the world, such as Bhadla in India or Golmund in China.

The surface area that Terra Solar will occupy is also impressive: 3,500 hectares in a forest area located in the areas of Nueva Ecija and Bulacan, in Central Luzon. The largest photovoltaic plant in Spain has 1,300 hectares (less than half) and it is Francisco Pizarro, located in the province of Cáceres, with 1.6 million solar panel modules. Despite being huge, it is small compared to what has begun to be built in the Philippines.

It will be the largest photovoltaic plant in the world SPENEC

The creation of this type of solar macrocomplexes is helping to stop greenhouse gas emissions that are released into the atmosphere and that cause global warming. In fact, renewable energies have been responsible for, During 2023, in Europe these emissions will be cut by 8%and by just over 7% in Spain.

However, the other side of the coin is its effects on biodiversity, since by occupying such areas of land, wild fauna and flora, necessary for the balance of ecosystems (on which human health depends) are deeply affected. affected, according to experts.


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