
Terelu talks in ‘Survivors’ about her state of health and reacts to the separation from her nephew

Carmen Borrego continues isolated from her colleagues in ‘Survivors’ by decision of the program’s medical service. María Teresa Campos’ daughter is not going through her best moment in the reality show, which is why on Tuesday she received a surprise in the form of a phone call. Terelu Campos, current collaborator of TVE, returned to Telecinco for one night to cheer up his sister.

Before connecting with Carmen, she chatted for a few minutes with Carlos Sobera, who was interested in her state of health after the pneumonia that kept her hospitalized for a few days at the hospital. “I’m fine, recovering little by little. I’m in my Málaga, in full Easter. Here you have to walk everywhere, but that is good for the lungs to recover little by little,” Terelu said.

The name of Maria Teresa Campos, died last September. In the middle of Holy Week, a date that was very important for the communicator, Terelu stated that her entire family misses her a lot: “But somehow, She is closer this year than she could have been last year.. In another way, on another plane, but it is closer.”

On the other hand, he reacted to the news about the separation of José María Almoguera, the son of his sister Carmen, and Paola Olmedo. “It’s part of what life is, what relationships are. I’m not going to talk about my nephew because I never have.“, the former presenter of ‘Save me’: “If I don’t even own my daughter’s life, who governs her life and makes her decisions, imagine what that means for my nephew.”

Carmen collapses when remembering her mother

Minutes later, Terelu was finally able to speak to Carmen: “Everything is fine, everything is calm. You don’t know how we are all with you, what is the family chat like. I was able to be in front of our father today and I know that he is going to protect you, that he is there protecting you. And mom is doing it too.”

You are the soul of ‘Survivors‘, I want you to know. You don’t know what this country is like now with you and this piece of program. Everyone talks about Carmen, listen to me,” said Terelu to try to give her sister a emotional boost, who despite her difficulties, highlighted all the positive things that the program is giving her.

“It is being very hard, but it is an experience that I will always keep in my heart. Wherever I end up, this has helped me overcome many things. Thanks to this program, I have realized that I am capable of much more than I thought “Carmen assured before Terelu gave her advice: “You have to control what we talk about. The mind is our worst enemy“.

However, the contestant collapsed when remembering her mother’s absence. “When what has happened to us has happened, life goes on and suddenly you find yourself alone on a beach. You think she’s waiting for you, and you realize she’s not waiting for us. And that is what has made me lose my mind, I have realized that he is not there and will never be there,” he lamented through tears.

“Of course he’s looking at you. You’re a believer, like me. She is protecting you, she continues to protect us. Think that the last thing I would want is to see you suffer,” Terelu told her sister.

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