

A group of artists and managers linked to the world of culture have started a virtual collection of signatures in the web to ask for the review of the dismissal of Carlos María Aladro as manager of IMAE (Municipal Institute of Performing Arts of Cordova).

According to these people in a note sent to the media, the “withering” cessation, which will become a reality in the local government board Córdoba City Councilthis Monday, February 12, is due to the “denounces malpractice and lack of institutional transparency” made by Aladro. It must be remembered that the IMAE manager assured that his dismissal was due to the “occupational toxicity” and “institutional paralysis” of the cultural area of ​​the Córdoba City Council. Furthermore, he regretted the “lack of consideration and support“to him in the five months in which he was at the head of the IMAE.

“Urgent need for profound changes”

In the letter of support associated with the virtual collection of signatures, the signatories indicate that “for many years years the scenic and cultural sector of the city of Córdoba has denouncing the urgent need of profound and structural changes in the management and programming model of this institution.” In this sense, they indicate that the IMAE’s programming is “very far from contemporary stage reality and with little contact with the local artistic fabric.” And they summarize their vision of this matter with a relevant analysis: “Five different managers in five years do not provide any stability to a municipal institution of this magnitude”.

“One step back”

The letter continues crying out against “immobility and lack of political determination“that have been occurring” during decades” and with “different governments“local in the way of managing the IMAE. “The opening of a public tender for the first time for the election of a new manager was received by the professional sector of the performing arts as a great advance towards good institutional practices.” Precisely for this reason, the dismissal of Carlos María Aladro just five months after his appointment means for them “a step backwards and an exercise in political and institutional malpractice“.

The complaint in It has received about 300 votes in its first 24 hours – review time at 4:47 p.m. on Sunday, February 11 -. Can be viewed in this web link.

The signatories of the letter and promoters of the virtual collection of signatures are:

  • Pepa Gil Ruiz, actress and director.

  • Helena Martos Ramírez, scenic creator.

  • Elena Carmona Sanjuán, cultural manager and director of the Theater Municipal of Girona.

  • Ángela López Ramos, scenic creator and professor at the Higher School of Dramatic Art of Córdoba.

  • Juan Diego Calzada, scenic creator, performer and musician.

  • Nazario Diaz, scenic creator.

  • Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca, composer, performer and sound artist.

  • Irene Lázaro Real, actress, performance creator and educator.

  • Antonio L. Pedraza, scenic creator.

  • Auxiliadora Jiménez Rubio, scenic creator.

  • Carlos Alarcón, scenic creator, lighting designer and theater chronicler.

  • Luis Víctor Pérez, guitarist, teacher, composer and producer.

  • Fernando Donaire, teacher and writer.

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