
The first kiss between Inés and Emilio or the reunion of Íñigo with his father in the new ‘La Moderna’

Doña Carla advises Íñigo to make up for lost time with his father. And all this despite the lack of communication that occurs between the two. At least, yes, she will tell him memories that he keeps from his stays in Almería. Meanwhile, at the other vertices of the triangle are Carla herself, who encourages Aguirre to find Jacobo’s whereabouts; Matilde has doubts about whether or not she will be able to combine her night studies with work at the Tea Room. In turn, Teresa ends up finding out that Pablo is Matilde’s brother, and that both she and Pietro had hidden it from her. Antonia, on the other hand, ends up listening to the pastry chef’s advice to talk to Don Fermín, so that the owner of the establishment can try to renegotiate the financial debt that she maintains with the bank.

Chapter 98, Tuesday, February 13

In the end Aguirre ends up convincing Don Fermín to go to the meal with the other businessmen. And it is no wonder, since the former military man appeared to rescue the owner of La Moderna from an attempted robbery. In turn, Doña Carla will receive the news from Íñigo that she intends to let her father stay with him in Madrid. And in Madrid, but perhaps not studying, there will be a Matilde who will see how her study plans confront the organization of work in the Tea Room. In the salon itself, today will be the first day for her brother Pablo, and the trust between Trini and Teresa leads the shop assistant to find out about the taste for dancing that her manager has. And we will finally have some joy at Antonia’s house, since the veteran saleswoman has managed to solve her problems with the bank, and encouraged by this, she suggests to Marta that she go visit La Moderna one day.

Chapter 99, Wednesday, February 14

The relationship between Pascual and Íñigo continues to strengthen little by little, despite the amnesia problems suffered by his father. The owner of the Madrid Cabaret tells Pascual about his feelings towards Matilde. And Matilde is involved in her studies, since in the end Teresa has managed to move her shifts so that she can balance her hours. And, furthermore, Íñigo will insist on introducing him to his father. If opposite poles attract, of course it is a theory that gains foundation when seeing the new relationship of closeness that Aguirre and Don Fermín maintain, mainly because of the cards. In another part of the city of Madrid, the corrala will have Don Cecilio’s somewhat disrespectful approaches to Marta, something that she will not take well. Nothing good awaits in this workshop, as Luisa is suspicious of the other client, Josefa. At the same time, her brother Pablo confirms that he is going to Jerez to work in a motorcycle factory.

Chapter 100, Thursday, February 15

Íñigo has some doubts about whether his father is telling him the truth or not, among other things, because he ends up catching him in a renouncement. Meanwhile, Matilde notices the strange relationship that Aguirre and Don Fermín currently have. But there is room for stranger things, since Cañete confirms to Elías that she intends to sign up for dance classes. To the surprise of the head waiter, at the academy he will meet… Teresa. But for even more surprise, they both dance together and they don’t make a bad couple! At these moments Luisa will also appear hurt and angry with Josefa, because of the theft of the figurine that she perpetrated on her; and Laurita has fresh ideas to attract new clients for La Moderna. Finally, Pablo will say goodbye to his family and head to Jerez to work in a motorcycle factory.

Chapter 101, Friday, February 16

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Pascual, Íñigo’s father, ends up revealing to his son the truth about his situation: he does not suffer from amnesia. Not satisfied with this, he rebuilt his life with another family. Faced with such a blow, Íñigo decides to put an end to his father and get away from him for a while. It is evident that he needs to reflect on this new situation that arises. This harsh impression is not the only one there will be, upon discovering that the corpse that Marta had recognized is not that of her uncle Higinio. Inés will have to continue embracing the saying that “closed loves are the dearest”, since she will be heartbroken for having seen Emilio and Luisa kissing, who continue to make plans for the future together. Meanwhile, Cañete will recognize that Teresa wins at short distances, while her supervisor is upset with Trini for leaving her alone in dance class. What good old Cañete doesn’t know is that according to what Trini tells Miguel, Teresa doesn’t correspond to him.

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